Data analysis, reports and publications
On this page
- Consultation reports
- Evaluation reports
- Homelessness Partnering Strategy Community Plans
- Nationally Coordinated Point-in-Time Counts
- National Shelter Study
- Reaching Home: Homelessness data snapshots
- Shelter Capacity Report
- Tools and training materials
Consultation reports
The Advisory Committee on Homelessness, chaired by Adam Vaughan, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Families, Children and Social Development (Housing and Urban Affairs), spoke to individuals and organizations across Canada about the state of homelessness in their communities.
Developed by Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC), the Homelessness Partnering Strategy What We Heard Report captures what individuals and organizations across Canada said about the state of homelessness in their communities.
Evaluation reports
Developed by Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC), this evaluation report examines the first two years of the Homelessness Partnering Strategy (HPS) 2014 to 2019 funding cycle, which represent the formal adoption of the Housing First approach.
Homelessness Partnering Strategy Community Plans
Find Community Plans summaries submitted by the 61 HPS designated communities.
Nationally Coordinated Point-in-Time Counts
Everyone Counts, the third Nationally Coordinated Point-in-Time (PiT) Counts of Homelessness, was held between 2020 and 2022, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The first and second Nationally Coordinated Point-in-Time Counts were held respectively from January to April 2016, and from March to April 2018. A total of 32 Canadian communities participated in the first Count, which increased to 61 communities in 2018. The third PiT Count occurred March 2020 to December 2022 and included 66 communities.
A final report summarizing the results is anticipated to be released in 2023.The results include an analysis of the survey findings providing information on people experiencing homelessness inside and outside of shelters.
- Everyone Counts 2020-2022 – Results from the Third Nationally Coordinated Point-in-Time Counts of Homelessness in Canada
- Everyone Counts 2020-2022: Preliminary Highlights Report
- Everyone Counts – Standards for participation
- Report on addiction, substance use and homelessness
- Report - Everyone Counts 2018: Highlights
- Highlights – 2016 Coordinated Point-in-Time Count of Homelessness in Canadian Communities
National Shelter Study
The National Shelter Study is a national analysis using emergency shelter data to estimate the number of individuals using homeless shelters each year, and describes their demographic characteristics.
Reaching Home: Homelessness data snapshots
The Homelessness data snapshots are a new series of publications that present key statistics related to homelessness in Canada.
- Homelessness Data Snapshot: Homelessness and immigration in Canada from 2020 - 2023
- Homelessness data snapshot: Analysis of chronic homelessness among shelter users in Canada 2017 - 2023
- Homelessness data snapshot: Mental health, substance use, and homelessness in Canada
- Homelessness data snapshot: The National Shelter Study 2023 Update
- Homelessness data snapshot: Homelessness among racialized populations
- Homelessness data snapshot: Youth homelessness in Canada
- Homelessness data snapshot: Analysis of the inflow of shelter users in Canada 2018 – 2022
- Homelessness data snapshot: The National Shelter Study 2022 Update
- Homelessness data snapshot: Findings from the 2022 National Survey on Homeless Encampments
- Homelessness data snapshot: Analysis of chronic homelessness among shelter users in Canada 2017 - 2021
- Homelessness data snapshot: The National Shelter Study 2021 Update
- Homelessness data snapshot: The National Shelter Study 2020 Update
- Homelessness data snapshot: Homelessness experienced by Newcomers to Canada
- Homelessness data snapshot: Veteran homelessness in Canada
- Homelessness data snapshot: The National Shelter Study 2019 update
- Homelessness data snapshot: The National Shelter Study 2018 update
- Homelessness data snapshot: Homelessness migration in Canada
Shelter Capacity Report
The annual Shelter Capacity Report provides capacity statistics for emergency homeless shelters, transitional housing and violence against women (VAW) shelters in Canada.
Tools and training materials
The Homelessness Learning Hub offers training and resources based on promising practices and evidence-based research on homelessness. Learning is designed to be self-paced with videos and short, practical readings. New knowledge can be tested through interactive quizzes and activities, and then discussed in the forum. Training and resources have been developed and/or curated by the Canadian Observatory on Homelessness in collaboration with leading academics and practitioners in the homeless-serving sector.
The Canadian Housing First Toolkit of the Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC) was developed to assist communities that are interested in adopting the Housing First approach. Primarily based on the experiences of the At Home/Chez Soi project. The Toolkit includes tools and resources that are practical and user-friendly.
ESDC's Literacy and Essential Skills Guide for Service Providers Assisting Homeless or At-risk Clients provides information about the many essential skills tools available to help your clients learn about the skills needed to enter the work force.
Your Financial Toolkit has been designed to help Canadians manage their personal finances. Developed by the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC), Investor Education Fund (IEF) and l'Autorité des Marchés financiers (AMF), the Toolkit provides information and tools that people can use to become more capable and confident financial consumers. Material is also available for organizations or trainers who wish to present the information in a workshop setting.
Raising the Roof has released a ‘one stop' hub for resources, insights, practical help and inspiration to help youth connect with employment. Of the two Raising the Roof toolkits, the first is directed at employers interested in providing highly motivated but disadvantaged youth job training and employment opportunities. The second toolkit is for community agencies aiding the unemployed youth attempting to find their place in today's workforce.
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