Reaching Home funding streams
Reaching Home has six streams that provide funding to communities at the regional or local level:
- Designated Communities
- Indigenous Homelessness
- Territorial Homelessness
- Rural and Remote Homelessness
- Distinctions-based Approaches
- Community Capacity and Innovation
Designated Communities
The Designated Communities (DC) funding stream provides funding to 64 urban communities outside the territories
Eligible projects
Eligible projects must respond to the priorities in the community plan to ensure they contribute to achieving the community-wide outcomes set by the Government of Canada and the community. Projects are selected based on local priorities through inclusive governance structures.
How to apply for project funding
Organizations in Designated Communities can apply for project funding by contacting their local Community Entity.
Indigenous Homelessness
The Indigenous Homelessness (IH) stream provides funding to 30 communities outside of the territories and seven regions for the delivery of culturally-appropriate services for Indigenous individuals and families experiencing or at-risk of homelessness. The intent is that the funding be provided to Indigenous-led and Indigenous-serving organizations located off-reserve.
Eligible projects
Projects must meet a demonstrated need, and applicants must show that investments will be targeted toward culturally-appropriate supports to help address Indigenous homelessness. Applicants are encouraged to develop partnerships in the community to maximize the impact of federal funding. Projects must also meet the program requirements of Reaching Home.
How to apply for project funding
Organizations outside of Quebec can receive information about the availability of Indigenous Homelessness stream funding by contacting their local Indigenous Homelessness Community Entity.
Quebec-based organizations can receive further details on the Indigenous Homelessness stream by contacting the Reaching Home program directly.
Please note that under the Indigenous Homelessness stream, priority is given to funding Indigenous-led organizations.
Territorial Homelessness
The Territorial Homelessness (TH) funding stream provides funding to the three territorial capitals and to organizations outside the capitals to address the unique homelessness challenges in the territories.
Eligible projects
Applicants must demonstrate that the proposed project helps to prevent and reduce homelessness in the community. The project should also have broad community support and meet the Reaching Home program requirements. Applicants are encouraged to develop partnerships in the community to maximize the impact of federal funding.
How to apply for project funding
Organizations in the territorial capitals can apply for project funding by contacting their Community Entity. In the Yukon, organizations outside of Whitehorse can apply for project funding by contacting their community entity.
In the Northwest Territories, outside of Yellowknife, funding is administered by Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada through a shared delivery model that funds individual projects. Organizations can contact Reaching Home for more information.
In Nunavut, projects are selected using a coordinated approach with territorial governments and Indigenous rights holders.
Organizations can contact Reaching Home for more information.
Rural and Remote Homelessness
The Rural and Remote Homelessness (RRH) funding stream provides funding for projects in non-Designated Communities, which includes any community outside of the Designated Communities, Indigenous Homelessness or Territorial Homelessness streams.
Eligible projects
Applicants must demonstrate that the proposed project helps to prevent and reduce homelessness in the community. The project should also have broad community support and meet the Reaching Home program requirements. Applicants are encouraged to develop partnerships in the community to maximize the impact of federal funding.
How to apply for project funding
Organizations outside of the Designated Communities, Indigenous Homelessness communities and Territories can apply for project funding by contacting the non-designated Community Entity in their region.
Distinctions-based Approaches
The Distinctions-based Approaches stream provides dedicated funding to address the specific and unique needs of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis individuals experiencing or at-risk of homelessness. Project funding and service delivery approaches are co-developed with Indigenous governments (including modern treaty holders) and representative organizations, and can vary considerably across regions and distinctions. Organizations and individuals who would like more information about the availability of distinctions-based funding in their community can contact Reaching Home.
Eligible projects
Reaching Home funds activities and projects to prevent and address homelessness identified within the parameters of co-developed approaches with distinctions-based partners.
How to apply for project funding
Approaches to project funding vary considerably from one distinctions-based partner to another: most use the funding to deliver services as part of their governmental responsibilities; some distribute funding to constituent communities; and others proceed with calls for proposals. Organizations and individuals who would like more information about the specific approach being taken in a given area can contact Reaching Home.
Reaching Home funding is also available for projects to address homelessness issues through capacity building, research and innovation.
Community Capacity and Innovation
The Community Capacity and Innovation (CCI) stream provides funding to support innovation, capacity-building and research in the homeless-serving sector. Most of the funding is allocated to communities to support the implementation of Coordinated Access, the Outcomes-based Approach, and quality data collection and use. The remainder is used to support national projects to support organizational and community capacity to respond to and reduce homelessness, as well as test innovative solutions to homelessness. Projects must have a national scope or impact.
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