Infrastructure Project Signage Guidelines
Long Text Descriptions
Figure 1: Major Sign Elements
This image highlights the major project sign elements. The elements include:
- One of six icons selected based on federal funding stream. See page 9 for guidance on which to use.
- Project information panel comprising English and French project title and total eligible costs from funding letter or announcement).
- Background based on community where infrastructure will be located – urban, rural or northern community.
- All funding partner logos, Canada wordmark at far left, community at centre and province/territory at far right.
The actual image depicts a sample project sign with a green infrastructure icon.
The sign's design also includes the urban community background, and the following information (English text on the left-hand side of the textbox, French to the right):
- Project title: Water Treatment Plant
- Total eligible cost: $2.1 M
Figure 2: Sample Multi-Partner Sign – Trade and Transportation Infrastructure (bilingual, English first)
The image depicts a trade and transportation project sign, using the urban community background.
The sample sign's text includes the following information (English text on the left-hand side of the textbox, French to the right):
- Project title: Modernization of Port Saint John's West Side Terminals
- Total eligible cost: $205 M
Funding partner logos: Canada wordmark, Port of Saint John, Province of New Brunswick
Figure 3: Sample Multi-Partner Sign – Social Infrastructure (bilingual, English first)
The image depicts a social infrastructure projects sign, using the rural community background.
The sample sign's text includes the following information (English text on the left-hand side of the textbox, French to the right):
- Project title: Metis Crossing Expansion
- Total eligible cost: $3.5 M
Funding partner logos: Canada wordmark, Metis Nation of Alberta, Province of Alberta
Figure 4: Sample Multi-Partner Sign – Rural and Northern Communities Infrastructure (bilingual, English first)
The image depicts a rural and northern communities' infrastructure project sign, using the northern community background.
The sample sign's text includes the following information (English text on the left-hand side of the textbox, French to the right):
- Project title: Water Treatment Plan
- Total eligible cost: $5.1 M
Funding partner logos: Canada wordmark, Kluane First Nation's , Yukon Territory
Figure 5: Sample Multi-Partner Sign – Green Infrastructure (bilingual, English first)
The image depicts a green infrastructure project sign, using the urban community background.
The sample sign's text includes the following information (English text on the left-hand side of the textbox, French to the right):
- Project title: Water Treatment Plan
- Total eligible cost: $2.1 M
Funding partner logos: Canada wordmark, City of Sudbury, Province of Ontario
Figure 6: Sample Multi-Partner Sign – Public Transit Infrastructure (bilingual, English first)
The image depicts a public transit infrastructure project sign, using the urban community background.
The sample sign's text includes the following information (English text on the left-hand side of the textbox, French to the right):
- Funding partner logos: Canada wordmark, City of Toronto, Province of Ontario
- Project title: Bicycle parking at 40 TTC Stations
- Total eligible cost: $425 K
Figure 7: Sample Multi-Partner Sign – Municipal Infrastructure (bilingual, English first)
The image depicts a sign for several related municipal infrastructure projects, using the urban community background.
The sample sign's text includes the following information:
- Funding partner logos: Canada wordmark, City of Toronto, Province of Ontario
- Project title: Road Improvement Program
- Total eligible cost: $40.9 M
Figure 8: Sample Multi-Partner Sign – Social Infrastructure (multi-language sign)
The image depicts a multi-language sign for a Nunavut project, to reflect Nunavut language laws, for a social infrastructure project using the northern community background.
The sample sign's text includes the following information:
- Funding partner logos: Canada wordmark, Municipality of Cape Dorset, Nunavut
- Project title: Kenojuak Cultural Centre
- Total eligible cost: $4.25 M
Figure 9: Sample Multi-Partner Sign – Trade and Transportation Infrastructure (bilingual, French first)
The image depicts a trade and transportation project sign, using the urban community background.
The sample sign's text includes the following information (French text on the left-hand side of the textbox, English to the right):
- Funding partner logos: Canada wordmark, Port of Saint John, Province of New Brunswick
- Project title: Modernization of Port Saint John's West Side Terminals
- Total eligible cost: $205 M
Figure 10: Sample Multi-Partner Sign – Green Infrastructure (unilingual)
The image depicts a green infrastructure project sign, using the rural community background.
The sample sign's text includes the following information, in English only:
- Funding partner logos: Canada wordmark, Town of Slave Lake, Province of Alberta
- Project title: wastewater Treatment System Modernization
- Total eligible cost: $13.5 M
Figure 11: Sample federal government-only sign (bilingual, English first)
The image a public transit project sign, using the urban community background. This federal government-only sign is place beside a sample partner sign.
The following text appears at the top of the sign along with the Canada wordmark: This project is funded in part by: / Ce projet est finance en partie par:
The sample sign's text includes the following information (English text on the left-hand side of the textbox, French to the right):
- Project title: Rehabilitation of the Subway Network
- Total eligible cost: $105.1 M
- Date modified: