Infrastructure Project Signage Guidelines
Major Sign Elements
Figure 1: Major Sign Elements

- Each sign will require four main components – one of the three backgrounds, one of the six icons, a project information panel and the logos of the funding partners.
- Sign backgrounds are selected based on the type of community – urban, rural or northern communities.
- The thematic icon is to reflect the main federal infrastructure funding stream – green infrastructure, public transit, social infrastructure, rural and northern infrastructure, trade and transportation, and a general municipal infrastructure icon for instances where the project does not easily tie to one of the main funding streams. To help guide the selection of the right icon, a table that links project categories to the five main funding streams is available in Annex A.
- Project information on the sign is to include the project name and the combined total estimated eligible project costs (from the funding approval letter and announcement). Sample signs are available on pages 6 and 7.
- The funding recognition bar is to include a single logo of each funding partner regardless of the proportion of their contributions. Logos are to be of equal size and prominence with the Government of Canada wordmark on the far left, the province/territory logo on the far right, and the additional contributor in the centre.
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