Samuel De Champlain Bridge - Project Timelines
February 11, 2015, was the deadline for submitting technical proposals for the Samuel De Champlain Bridge corridor project. Each of the three consortia involved submitted their proposals by this date. The proposals included engineering and construction plans based on rigorously defined technical elements such as the architectural requirements announced on June 27, 2014. The Government of Canada analyzed the technical proposals thoroughly and objectively. The three consortia then submitted their financial proposals in early April. The technically compliant proposal with the lowest proposed cost was chosen.
On March 17, 2014, the Government of Canada posted the Request for Qualifications for the project's public-private partnership on the Buy and sell website. Construction began in the summer of 2015. The Samuel De Champlain Bridge opened in summer of 2019 and the rest of the corridor will be completed in late 2019.
On October 5, 2011, the Government of Canada announced that the Champlain Bridge would be replaced by a new crossing. Some of the major technical components of the project including the environmental assessment, as well as the preliminary design and financial analysis, have been completed.
Detailed Project Timelines

Timeline showing the progression of work to build a new bridge for the St. Lawrence in Montréal, as follows:
Stage 1 – Request for Qualifications, Spring 2014
RFQ release, March 17, 2014
Information Session and Site Visit, March 31 and April 1, 2014
Industry Day, March 31, 2014
End of Enquiry Period, April 22, 2014
Response Submission Deadline, May 7, 2014
Response Evaluation Completion, June 2014
Stage 2 – Request for Proposals, Summer 2014 to Summer 2015
RFP Release to Proponents, July 2014
Technical Proposal Submission Deadline, February 2015
Financial Proposal Submission Deadline, Early April 2015
Announce Preferred Proponent, Late April 2015
Financial Close, June 2015
Signing of the Project Agreement, June 2015
Design-build phase, Summer 2015 to 2020
New Bridge for the St. Lawrence in service, December 2018
Substantial Completion, 2019
Operating phase, 2020 to 2050
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