Investing in Canada Plan funding stream: Social infrastructure
On this page
- Overview
- Contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
- Investing in Canada Plan Social Infrastructure Programs
- Other Investing in Canada Plan funding streams
- Additional resources
The programs in the Social Infrastructure stream support the provision of adequate and affordable housing and child care, as well as community, cultural and recreational facilities.
Programs from this stream contribute to increased rent-assisted and repaired units, increased access to regulated early learning and child care programs, and increased accessibility to ensure Canadian communities continue to be great places to call home.
Contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
The Plan's Social Infrastructure programs support the SDG objectives of reducing poverty and inequalities, improving health care, and creating economic growth.
SDG 10
Investing in Canada Plan Social Infrastructure Programs
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
- Aboriginal Capacity and Skills Development
- Existing Housing Programs
- FPT Housing Partnership Framework
- Increasing Affordable Housing for Seniors
- Investment in Affordable Housing
- National Housing Co-Investment Fund
- Northern Housing
- Other National Housing Strategy Initiatives
- Renovation and Retrofit on Reserve
- Renovation and Retrofit of Social Housing
- Shelters for First Nations Victims of Family Violence
- Supporting Shelters for Victims of Family Violence
Canadian Heritage
- Canada Cultural Spaces Fund
- Community Educational Infrastructure
Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs
- Métis Heritage Centre
- Métis Nation Housing
- Self-Governing/ Modern Treaty Groups
Employment and Social Development Canada
- Early Learning and Child Care
- Enabling Accessibility Fund
- First Nations and Inuit Child Care Initiative
- Women in Construction Fund
Health Canada
- Home Care Infrastructure
Indigenous Services Canada
- Aboriginal Head Start on Reserve
- Asset Management Program
- First Nations Infrastructure Fund - Cultural and Recreational Centers
- Health Facilities Program (Budget 2016)
- Multiple Programs (Existing Funding)
- On-Reserve Housing Funds
- Supporting Indigenous Communities
Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada
- Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program – Community, Culture and Recreation Infrastructure
- Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program – COVID-19 Resilience Stream
- Reaching Home/Homelessness Partnering Strategy
Parks Canada Agency
- National Cost-Sharing Program for Heritage Places
Public Health Agency of Canada
- Aboriginal Head Start in Urban and Northern Communities
Public Safety Canada
- Funding for First Nations and Inuit Policing Facilities
Regional Development Agencies
- Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program
Details on total program allocation, number of projects approved and started, federal share of approved project value, reimbursements claims, and programs status can be found in the Funding and Implementation Table.
Other Investing in Canada Plan funding streams
Public Transit
Trade and Transportation
Rural and Northern Communities
Additional resources
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