Investing in Canada Plan funding stream: Green infrastructure
On this page
- Overview
- Contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
- Investing in Canada Plan Green Programs
- Other Investing in Canada Plan funding streams
- Additional resources
The programs in the Green Infrastructure stream support greener communities by contributing to climate change preparedness, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and supporting renewable technologies in Canada.
Programs in this stream support the completion of water and wastewater infrastructure, disaster mitigation and adaptation projects, building retrofits, solid waste treatment, and the installation of electric vehicle charging stations and other refueling stations.
Contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
The Plan's Green Infrastructure programs support the SDG objectives of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving climate resilience and environmental quality
Investing in Canada Plan Green Programs
Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs
- Climate Change Preparedness in the North Program - Implementation of Adaptation Actions in the North
- First Nation Adapt Program – Flood Plain Mapping
- Indigenous Community-Based Climate Monitoring Program
Environment and Climate Change Canada
- Canadian Centre for Climate Services
Indigenous Services Canada
- First Nations Waste Management Initiative
- Northern Grid
- Water & Wastewater (Budget 2016)
Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada
- Clean Water and Wastewater Fund
- Codes, Guides and Specifications for Climate-Resilient Public Infrastructure
- Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund
- Green Infrastructure Fund
- Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program – Green Infrastructure Stream
- Municipal Asset Management Program
- Municipalities for Climate Innovation Program
- Smart Cities Challenge
- Toronto Waterfront Revitalization Initiative
Natural Resources Canada
- Building Regional Adaptation Capacity and Expertise and National-Scale Knowledge Synthesis and Disseminations
- Clean Energy for Rural and Remote Communities
- Electric Vehicle and Alternative Fuel Infrastructure
- Emerging Renewable Power
- Energy Efficient Buildings
- Green Municipal Fund
- Home Energy Retrofits
- Regional Electricity Cooperation and Strategic Infrastructure Initiative
- Smart Grid
Regional Development Agencies
- Canada Coal Transition Initiative
Transport Canada
- Climate Risk Assessments
- Heavy-Duty Vehicle and Off-Road Regulations
- Oceans Protection Plan
Details on total program allocation, number of projects approved and started, federal share of approved project value, reimbursements claims, and programs status can be found in the Funding and Implementation Table.
Other Investing in Canada Plan funding streams
Public Transit
Trade and Transportation
Rural and Northern Communities
Additional resources
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