Tab D: Briefing Notes - WAGE
Tab D: Briefing Notes - WAGE
- Hot Issues
- Gendered Impacts of COVID-19
- Women's Economic Security
- Senior Women
- Rural Women
- Gender-based Violence and Rural Broadband
- Feminist Response and Recovery Fund
- Program
I. Hot Issues
1. Gendered Impacts of COVID-19
Recommended response
- COVID-19 does not discriminate who it infects, yet different groups are disproportionately affected by the virus and the public health measures being implemented.
- At the start of the pandemic, women lost jobs at almost twice the rate of men. When the economy started to reopen in May 2020, increases in employment for men were more than double that of women. In March 2021, women's employment remained 2.2% lower than pre-COVID levels, compared to 1.0% for men.
- Young women have experienced significant employment losses during the pandemic and have been slower to gain back jobs, with employment 9.5% below pre-pandemic levels in March 2021, compared to 3.0% for young men.
- Women who shoulder increased care responsibilities at home due to the pandemic, caring for elderly parents, children when schools, classrooms, or daycares are closed, face additional hurdles to joining the work force.
- People in Canada have been asked to stay home to prevent the spread of COVID-19, yet home is not a safe place for everyone. We have seen a "shadow pandemic" emerge for those isolated at home with their abusers.
Government of Canada Response to COVID
- Women and Gender Equality Canada has ensured that the Government's response is informed by Gender-based Analysis Plus so that our initiatives are designed for those who need it most.
- As part of its COVID-19 Economic Response Plan, the federal government has allocated $100 million in funding to over 1,000 organizations including women's shelters, Indigenous shelters, sexual assault centres, women's organizations and other organizations providing supports to those experiencing GBV across the country.
- Women and Gender Equality Canada launched the $100M Feminist Response and Recovery Fund to support projects to increase women and girls' participation in Canada's economic, social, democratic and political life post-COVID-19.
- Moving forward, the Government has committed to help build back better by proposing to:
- Create an Action Plan for Women in the Economy to help more women get back into the workforce and to ensure a feminist, intersectional response to the pandemic and recovery;
- Establish a Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care System to drive economic growth and increase women's participation in the workforce; and,
- Advance a new National Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence.
GBA+ and the COVID-19 Response
- Throughout the pandemic, the government has included intersectional gendered considerations in response measures. To date, WAGE:
- Co-chairs an interdepartmental taskforce on equity-seeking groups;
- Works with PT partners on applying the GBA+ lens to COVID-19 initiatives;
- Hosted a special session of the GBA+ Interdepartmental Committee to facilitate sharing of information and best practices;
- Co-hosted a panel discussion, entitled Achieving an Inclusive Pandemic Response with GBA+, attended by 1500 public servants.
- The government followed through on commitments to gender budgeting, transparency and accountability of GBA+ in the 2020 Fall Economic Statement and in Budget 2021.
Gendered impact on employment
- In Canada, women comprise the majority of workers employed in service industries, which experienced large employment declines due to COVID-19.
- Women comprised the majority (62.5%) of all employment losses in March 2020; the monthly decline in employment among immigrant women (-3.4%) was more than twice that of immigrant men (-1.5%).
- As Canada's economies reopened throughout 2020-2021, women's employment rate improved. In March 2021, core-aged women and men were 1.3% and 0.9% within their February 2020 employment levels.
- Young women's economic recovery has faced challenges throughout COVID-19. Despite gains, young women remain -9.5% below their pre-COVID employment levels compared to young men (-3.0%).
- Women continue to shoulder a greater share of unpaid domestic and care work responsibilities.
- Women, particularly immigrant and visible minority women, are over-represented in low-income occupations that have been deemed as essential and are disproportionately exposed to COVID-19.
Response Measures
- Until October 2020, the Canada Emergency Response Benefit provided $2,000 a month to workers who lost income as of result of COVID-19.
- Since September 2020, the Government amended the Employment Insurance program and created the Canada Recovery, Canada Recovery Sickness, and Canada Recovery Caregiving Benefits to support Canadians.
- Budget 2021 proposed several initiatives to foster economic recovery, such as:
- $146.9 million to reinforce the Women Entrepreneurship Strategy;
- $15 million for a LGBTQ2 Projects for community initiatives;
- $30 billion towards establishing a national Early Learning and Child Care System.
Gender-based violence
- GBV organizations report that it may be more difficult for some survivors to access services, and that the prevalence and severity of violence has increased throughout the pandemic.
- Police service data indicates that domestic disturbance calls increased 6%, while sexual assault cases decreased by 20%, compared to 2019 rates.
- With increased time spent online, young women and children may be at a greater risk of technology-facilitated violence, with one organization reporting a 81% increase in online child sexual exploitation over April-June 2020.
GBV Response Measures
- WAGE has implemented measures to support those who need help most, including $90 million to assist GBV organizations, including women's shelters and sexual assault centres.
- This funding has supported over 1000 organizations across the country, helping nearly 800,000 women and girls by January 2021.
- Funding is being used, for example, for protective equipment, child-minding, helping women find alternative housing, overtime of employees and additional staff coverage and capacity.
- In Budget 2021, several initiatives were proposed to address GBV:
- $601.3 million to advance a new National Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence, including $415M to WAGE:
- $200 million to support GBV organizations;
- $105 million to enhance WAGE's GBV Program.
- $14 million to establish a secretariat to coordinate the work of developing and implementing the Action Plan;
- $11 million for GBV research and knowledge mobilization;
- $55 million to bolster Indigenous women and 2SLGBTQQIA+ organizations' capacity to provide prevention programming; and,
- $30 million for crisis hotlines
- $601.3 million to advance a new National Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence, including $415M to WAGE:
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2. Women's Economic Security
Recommended response
COVID Specific Measures
- Women are key to Canada's economic recovery. As Canada moves towards recovery, Budget 2021 proposes a plan to drive economic growth, increase women's participation in the workforce, and offer each child in Canada the best start in life, including:
- Investing $30 billion over 5 years and $8.3 billion ongoing to create a Canada-wide early learning and childcare system. Establishing a federal minimum wage of $15 per hour in the federally regulated private sector;
- Enhancing the Canada Workers Benefit to support low- and modest-income workers; and
- Investing in employment programs such as $960 million over 3 years to deliver training to small- and medium-sized businesses to recruit and retain a diverse workforce; and $15 million over two years to extend the Racialized Newcomer Women Pilot to improve employment outcomes.
- In addition, the Government continues to address women's economic vulnerability during COVID-19 through the creation of an Action Plan for Women in the Economy to help more women get back into the workforce and to ensure a feminist, intersectional response to this pandemic and recovery.
WAGE Specific Investments to Date:
- Through the Women's Program, the Department for Women and Gender Equality funds projects to address systemic barriers for women, including through improving women's economic security.
- On February 11, 2021, the Department for Women and Gender Equality, launched a call for proposals under its Women's Program, called the Feminist Response and Recovery Fund. This Fund will provide $100 million for projects helping those in greatest need during the pandemic, including Indigenous women, Black women, women of colour, women who are members of LGBTQ2 communities, and women living with disabilities or in rural or remote communities.
- Since November 2015, WAGE has invested $62.3M in over 93 projects to improve women's and girls' economic security and prosperity. In 2019-20, funded projects resulted in:
- Over 350,000 women gaining access to services and supports, providing them better opportunities in education, employment, health, and social services;
- Nearly 400,000 people gaining skills and knowledge to create more equitable conditions for women in various spheres; and
- Changing policies and institutions, as well as creating conditions for gender equality in public and private spheres.
- In fall 2017, the Department for Women and Gender Equality launched two calls for proposals, representing approximately $15M, to increase the economic security of women in Canada. Of the $15M, $5M was to support Indigenous women's economic success.
Responding to economic impacts of COVID-19
- During the pandemic, women have experienced economic hardship, with a disproportionate amount of the economic burden being borne by already vulnerable populations.
- In Canada, women are over-represented in some of the service industries that were among the first to shut down in response to COVID-19.
- Women hold the majority of jobs in some of the sectors first impacted by physical distancing measures, such as accommodation and food services and educational services. Women lost jobs in March 2020 at almost twice the rate of men (-6.9% vs. -3.7%). In May 2020, when the economy started to reopen, men gained back jobs at a rate more than double that of women (+2.5% vs. +1.1%).
- School and daycare closures also impact women's ability to participate in the labour force or continue their educations (as care work typically falls disproportionately to women). The pandemic could challenge women's labour force attachment in the future.
Essential workers:
- Women are over-represented in low-income occupations that have been deemed as front-line and essential during the crisis, and consequently, are disproportionately exposed to COVID-19.
- Over half of all female workers are employed in occupations involving the "5 Cs": caring, clerical, catering, cashiering and cleaning.
- Canada's primary care and long-term care systems are staffed largely by women: over 90% of nurses; 75% of respiratory therapists, clinical perfusionists and cardiopulmonary technologists; 80% of medical lab technologists; and 70% of light duty cleaners, who clean and disinfect hospitals, among other places.
Response measures include:
- The Canada Recovery Benefit (CRB), the Canada Recovery Sickness Benefit (CRSB) and the Canada Recovery Caregiving Benefit (CRCB), which provide support to Canadians whose income is affected by the pandemic. These evolved from the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB), which provided immediate assistance to Canadians not eligible for Employment Insurance (EI) benefits.
- Additional assistance to families with children by temporarily boosting Canada Child Benefit payments, delivering almost $2 billion in extra support.
- Additional assistance to individuals and families with low and modest incomes with a special top-up payment under the Goods and Services Tax (GST) credit, delivering $5.5 billion in support.
- Up to $3 billion to the provinces and territories to top up the wages of low-income essential workers in the fight against COVID-19.
Budget 2021 commitments
- A Canada-Wide Early Learning Child Care System: $30 billion over 5 years and $8.3 billion ongoing to help families gain access to affordable and quality childcare.
- Expanding the Canada Workers Benefit to support about 1 million additional Canadians in low-wage jobs. This means for the first time, most full-time workers earning minimum wage will receive significant support from this benefit.
- $960 million over 3 years, beginning 2021-22, for a new Sectoral Workforce Solutions Program to help design and deliver training relevant to the needs of businesses, especially small and medium-sized ones, and diverse employees.
- $15 million over 2 years, starting 2021-22, to extend the Racialized Newcomer Women Pilot initiative, which will continue to improve employment outcomes and career advancement of this population.
Ongoing government initiatives
Other initiatives supporting women's economic security, including:
- The Poverty Reduction Strategy, targeting a 20% reduction in poverty by 2020 and a 50% reduction in poverty by 2030, relative to 2015 levels. The Government met its first poverty reduction target three years ahead of schedule. Between 2015 and 2018, the poverty rate fell from 14.5% to 11.0%.
- The creation of affordable, high-quality child care spaces for low and modest income families, with the goal of supporting up to 40,000 new subsidized child care spaces over the next three years. The Federal, Provincial and Territorial Governments reached a historic agreement on a Multilateral Early Learning and Child Care Framework in 2017. The Government remains committed to subsidizing before- and after- school program costs.
- EI flexibilities so that parents can receive extra weeks of EI parental benefits and can share raising their children.
- Introduced in 2016, the Canada Child Benefit is a simpler, tax-free, and more generous child benefit better targeted to those who need it most and helps families with the cost of raising children under 18 years of age.
WAGE initiatives
- Budget 2019 announced $160 million over five years, starting in 2019-20, to the Women's Program to enable further community action to tackle systemic barriers impeding women's progress, while recognizing and addressing the diverse experiences of gender and inequality across the country.
- On February 11, 2021, the Department launched a Call for Proposals under the Women's Program entitled Feminist Response and Recovery Fund: a $100 million investment in systemic change projects to support a feminist response and recovery from the impacts of COVID-19, particularly for underrepresented women.
- The Fund provides the flexibility for organizations to be responsive to the broad and diverse systemic issues that need to be tackled to support a recovery from the pandemic that is inclusive of underrepresented women, and advances gender equality across Canada. This could include (but is not limited to) projects with a focus on advancing economic security for women.
3. Senior Women
Recommended response
- Seniors have been at greater risk of poor health outcomes throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Vulnerable seniors, such as those living in social isolation, poverty, and in long term care are at greater risk.
- The Government of Canada is working to support seniors. As part of the COVID-19 response, it:
- provided an additional one-time payment of $300 for seniors who qualify for Old Age Security, and an extra $200 for those eligible for the Guaranteed Income Supplement. These top-ups have supported approximately 6.7 million seniors.
- contributed $9 million through United Way Canada for local organizations to support practical services to Canadian seniors, such as delivery of groceries or medications, or personal outreach to assess individuals' needs.
- tabled Bill C-14 which, if passed, includes a measure to provide up to $505.7 million through the Safe Long-term Care Fund to prevent the spread of COVID-19 infection, outbreaks and deaths in supportive care facilities.
- As Canada moves towards recovery, the Government has proposed several new actions that target seniors, including:
- $3 billion over 5 years to support provinces and territories in ensuring standards for long-term care are applied and permanent changes are made.
- $90 million over 3 years to launch the Age Well at Home initiative to help low-income and vulnerable seniors age in their homes for longer.
- providing a one-time payment of $500 in August 2021 to OAS pensioners who will be 75 or over as of June 2022.
- introducing legislation to increase OAS payments for pensioners 75 and over by 10 percent on an ongoing basis as of July 2022 which would increase the benefits for 3.3 million seniors.
- The Government has also committed to amend the Criminal Code to penalize those who neglect seniors under their care; and work with provinces and territories to set new, national standards for long-term care and take additional action to help people stay in their homes.
- Senior women also experience gender-based violence, which can be exacerbated by their increased isolation as they age, along with public health restrictions related to COVID-19.
- Budget 2021 announced funding for gender-based violence, including $415 million to Women and Gender Equality Canada over five years, to advance the Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence, which includes a focus on ensuring that anyone facing gender-based violence has reliable and timely access to protection and services, including senior women.
Data on Senior Women
- According to the 2016 Census, women accounted for 69% of all residents in nursing homes and residents for seniors.
- In 2018, 11.0% of people were living below Canada's official poverty line. That same year, about 6.2% of senior women, and 5.0% of senior men were living in poverty, with rates substantially higher among unattached senior women (12.7%) and men (14.9%).
- The median yearly income for senior women has risen from 2003 to 2019. However, the median income of senior men remained approximately 1.5 times higher than that of senior women in 2019.
Impacts of COVID-19
- Seniors are at greater risk of poor health outcomes. Although they currently represent about one-fifth of reported diagnoses of COVID-19, people aged 60 and older represent the majority of hospitalizations, ICU admissions, and deaths associated with COVID-19 in Canada. Seniors living in residences and nursing homes are at an increased risk of contracting COVID-19 and dying from it.
- Many seniors do not have people they can rely on to bring them essential supplies and many live on fixed incomes. This makes delivery services and escalating costs due to the pandemic unaffordable. The Government of Canada has provided:
- an additional one-time payment of $300 for seniors who qualify for OAS, and an extra $200 for those eligible for the GIS;
- assistance to individuals and families with low and modest incomes with a special top-up payment under the GST credit, delivering $5.5 billion in support. More than 4 million seniors benefited, which gave an average of $375 for single seniors and $510 for senior couples; and
- $9 million through the United Way Centraide Canada network to support services to seniors. These services could include the delivery of groceries, medications, or personal outreach to assess individuals' needs and connect them to community supports. Through this funding, more than 1.3 million interventions were offered to support 703,339 vulnerable seniors during the pandemic as of November 2020.
Other Government Initiatives
- The Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) provides assistance to approximately 900,000 low-income seniors, 70% of whom are women. Through Budget 2016, the government increased the maximum GIS top-up benefit available by up to $947 annually. As of 2019, it is estimated that increasing the GIS by up to $947 lifted 57,000 seniors out of poverty (based on the Market Basket Measure), and reduced the depth of poverty for the remaining single GIS recipients by an average of $700.
- Budget 2019 proposed that by 2020 all eligible seniors aged 70 or older will be proactively enrolled in the Canada Pension Plan (CPP). As of February 28, 2021, Service Canada has proactively enrolled 45, 977 seniors and paid out $169 million in benefits.
- Employment and Social Development Canada's New Horizons for Seniors Program (NHSP) supports seniors in need by: promoting volunteerism among seniors; engaging seniors in the mentoring of others; expanding awareness of senior abuse, including financial abuse; supporting social participation and inclusion of seniors; and providing capital assistance for new and existing community projects for seniors. Budget 2019 increased funding by $100 million over five years with $20 million a year ongoing.
- Since 2004, the NHSP has supported more than 30,000 projects with a total investment of more than $660 million.
- Community-based recipients can use funding for expenditures in response to the COVID-19 pandemic (e.g. the delivery of food and medication or personalized monitoring of seniors).
- Senior women face unique challenges which can limit their ability to access the justice system and related services.
- As seniors continue to age, their isolation can increase over time increasing the likelihood that violence perpetrated against them will remain undetected.
- In 2018, police-reported data indicated that women accounted for 58% of seniors who experienced family violence, and those senior women were most often victimized by a spouse (32%).
- Between 2006 and 2016, six in ten (62%) senior victims of family related homicide were women. Among women victims, a spouse was most often the perpetrator (50%) compared to 8% of male victims.
- The Government of Canada is strengthening Canada's approach to senior abuse by developing a national definition of senior abuse, investing in better data collection, and establishing new offences in the Criminal Code.
- On December 2, 2020, the Department of Finance introduced Bill C-14, An Act to implement certain provisions of the economic statement tabled in Parliament on November 30, 2020, which included a measure that would provide funding of up to $505.7 million as part of the new Safe Long-Term Care Fund to support long-term care facilities, including funding to prevent the spread of COVID-19 infection, outbreaks and deaths in supportive care facilities.
4. Rural Women
Recommended response
- The Government of Canada recognizes the particular needs and challenges of people in rural and remote communities, including diverse women and girls, especially now during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Women and girls living in rural and remote areas face higher rates of violence, including sexual assault, family violence and intimate partner violence.
- Budget 2021 announced an additional $415 million to Women and Gender Equality Canada, over five years, to continue to advance a National Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence which will include a focus on ensuring that anyone facing gender-based violence, including those in rural and remote areas, has reliable and timely access to services.
- The Government is proposing up to an additional $146.9 million over four years to strengthen and accelerate the Women Entrepreneurship Strategy, as well as $22 million over three years to support the National Aboriginal Capital Corporations Association's Indigenous Women's Entrepreneurship Initiative.
- Budget 2021 proposed an additional $1 billion over 6 years to continue to implement the Universal Broadband Fund to connect 98% of Canadians to high-speed Internet by 2026, with the goal of connecting all Canadians by 2030. These investments in social infrastructure are key to supporting women's independence, their economic prosperity and stability, and empowering them to leave violent situations.
- A significant health gap exists between rural and urban women. The Government of Canada is working to ensure that every Canadian, including those living in rural and remote areas, has access to a family doctor or primary health care. Through Budget 2021, the Government has proposed:
- a new National Institute for Women's Health Research to improve health outcomes and eliminate the gaps in quality of care; and
- $45 million to community-based organizations to help make sexual and reproductive health care information and services more accessible for vulnerable populations, including providing travel and support to individuals who have to go long distances to access abortion care.
- Women living in rural and remote areas face particular challenges that preclude economic security and prosperity, including lower labour force participation rates, lower employment rates, and over-representation in low-income situations. Canadian rural communities are more likely to be older, Indigenous, or comprised of an official language minority group. Women living in rural areas also experienced the highest overall rates of intimate partner violence in Canada with rates that were significantly higher than their urban counterparts (789 versus 447 per 100,000 population).
WAGE Initiatives
- In 2017, the Government of Canada launched It's Time: Canada's Strategy to Prevent and Address Gender-Based Violence, a whole-of-government effort that coordinates federal efforts and complements the work of provincial and territorial governments to end GBV. It recognizes that women in rural and remote communities are among the populations more at risk of GBV, and helps to coordinate supports for these populations, given the lack of access to services in rural and remote areas.
- The Government is developing a National Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence (GBV National Action Plan), which will aim to address the root causes and systemic issues that perpetuate GBV, as well as the factors that serve as barriers to accessing reliable and timely supports, services and protections. A core pillar of the National Action Plan is focused on "social infrastructure and enabling environment", including in rural and remote areas. Budget 2021 proposed investments of $415 million over 5 years to advance the GBV National Action Plan.
- The Women's Program funds projects that address the systemic barriers women and girls face to full economic, social and political participation. Since November 2015, WAGE has invested approximately $31.7M to support 43 rural projects through the Women's Program.
- On February 11, 2021, the Department launched a call for proposals under the Women's Program, called the Feminist Response and Recovery Fund. This Fund will invest $100 million in systemic change projects to support a feminist response and recovery from the current impacts of COVID-19, particularly for underrepresented women, including women living in rural communities.
COVID-19 Response
- In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Government has announced several investments to support rural, remote and northern communities, including supports to the agricultural sector and other affected sectors that provide essential services to Canadians. Measures include:
- A national AgriRecovery initiative of up to $125 million in funding to help producers faced with additional costs incurred by COVID-19, such as managing livestock backed up on farms.
- $59 million dedicated towards improving health and safety conditions for migrant workers on Canadian farms.
- $34.3 million to Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency to assist Northern businesses and communities in the Northwest Territories, Nunavut and Yukon.
- $431.3 million to support the national network of Community Futures Development Corporations, which specifically targets small businesses and rural communities across the country.
- In response to the housing affordability and homelessness issues during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Government of Canada announced a $1 billion Rapid Housing Initiative under the National Housing Strategy, to rapidly create up to 3,000 new affordable housing units across the country that will serve populations living in situations of vulnerability, like women and children experiencing violence, or people at risk of becoming homeless.
- To date, nearly 40% of all units supported under the Rapid Housing Initiative have been targeted to Indigenous peoples.
- On November 9, 2020, the Government of Canada announced additional funding of $750 million for the Universal Broadband Fund, bringing the total investment to $1.75 billion. With Budget 2021, this amount grew to $2.75 billion in total funding.
- The Government will work with partners to connect Canadian households and businesses in rural and remote communities over the next six years, starting in 2021-22, with additional investments supporting a more rapid rollout of broadband projects. These investments will make a difference in the lives of women and girls living in rural, remote, and northern communities, allowing them to better run their businesses and have better access to information, resources and support online.
- A significant barrier to rural women's access to employment and education opportunities is the lack of early learning and child care options in rural areas.
- WAGE has been working closely with ESDC on the early learning and childcare (ELCC) system and will ensure that the particular challenges faced by rural women are taken into account.
- Budget 2021 proposes new investments totaling up to $30 billion over the next 5 years, and $8.3 billion ongoing for ELCC and Indigenous ELCC to reduce fees for parents with children in regulated child care by an average of 50% by 2022, with a goal of $10/day by 2026.
5. GBV and Rural Broadband
Recommended response
- Technology has changed the way society interacts. There is much dependence on the internet, even more so since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Everyone in Canada, no matter where they live, has come to depend on high-speed internet to connect with family, do school work, run a business, or access essential services.
- The Government of Canada has made billions of dollars available, through programs such as Connect to Innovate (2016), the CRTC Broadband Fund (2015) and the Universal Broadband Fund to support the building of rural and remote internet infrastructure.
- The COVID-19 pandemic has reinforced that access to fast and reliable high-speed internet essential. For women living in rural and remote communities experiencing intimate partner violence, public health guidance to stay home has meant less access than before to supports and services. Limited high-speed internet access can further exacerbate isolation and vulnerability to intimate partner violence and its impacts.
- Investment in social infrastructure, including fast and reliable high-speed internet, is key to supporting women's independence and empowering them to leave violent situations.
- It is our goal to develop a National Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence that includes actions towards creating better social infrastructure and a more enabling environment.
- Canada's climate is diverse due to its large geographical area, and this presents unique challenges in providing high-quality broadband internet access services to everyone in Canada. In particular, many rural and remote areas do not have services comparable in speed, capacity, quality or price to what is offered in urban centres.
- To close the remote/rural and urban digital gap, existing infrastructure across Canada needs to be upgraded and new infrastructure needs to be built. This will require significant time and money and a collective effort from all levels of government and industry.
COVID-19, National Action Plan to End GBV, and Broadband
- The COVID-19 pandemic has shifted much of our lives online and transformed how we live, work, learn, and do business. The crisis has reinforced the need for a National Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence and amplified its urgency. It has also reinforced the need for access to fast and reliable high-speed internet, which will play a major role in supporting the Canadian economy post-pandemic.
- There is widespread anecdotal evidence that the incidence and severity of gender-based violence may be increasing during the pandemic, particularly intimate partner violence. The pandemic has led to converging factors that may increase the risk of gender-based violence for women in rural and remote communities, including a lack of transportation options and increased isolation due to geographic distance; a lack of reliable broadband and telecommunications infrastructure; and the exacerbation of already-limited access to supports and services, such as shelters, housing, counselling, and sexual assault centres.
- As such, investment in social infrastructure, including access to fast and reliable high-speed internet, is key to supporting women's independence and empowering them to leave violent situations by improving access to housing supports, counselling, legal advice and other services. The National Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence will stress the importance of social infrastructure in creating an enabling environment for people experiencing violence to look for support..
- Ensuring residents of rural and remote areas have access to the internet can help prevent GBV and support survivors of GBV by making essential services and resources that have moved online more accessible. For people experiencing violence, internet access is crucial to talk to friends and family and to find information, resources, and tools to develop safety plans.
- The pandemic has highlighted unequal access to fast and reliable high-speed service in Canada. For example, in 2018, only 41% of rural households had access to 50 megabits per second (Mbps) download and 10 Mbps upload speeds, compared to 98% of urban homes. Only about 31% of households in Indigenous communities have access to 50/10 Mbps.
- Work continues to support the Government's commitment to connect everyone in Canada. Canada is accelerating its strategy to increase high-speed broadband coverage in rural Canada and is consulting with telecommunication providers, rural municipalities and others about how best to move up plans to improve access to high-speed internet in rural and remote communities.
- The Government of Canada has made billions of dollars of funding available to support the building of rural and remote internet infrastructure, which includes the Universal Broadband Fund, a program designed with input from Canadians, internet service providers and other organizations about existing services and what is needed from the Government.
- Budget 2021 proposes to provide an additional $1 billion over six years, starting in 2021-22, to the Universal Broadband Fund to support a more rapid rollout of broadband projects in collaboration with provinces and territories and other partners. This would mean thousands more people in Canada will have faster, more reliable internet connections.
6. Feminist Response and Recovery Fund
Recommended response
- The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed gaps in our systems, magnifying systemic and longstanding inequalities for women and girls in Canada and around the world.
- Recognizing this, on February 11, 2021, Women and Gender Equality Canada launched a $100M Call for Proposals, under the Women's Program, entitled Feminist Response and Recovery Fund.
- This Fund will allow organizations to respond to a wide range of issues in order to accelerate progress on gender equality and ensure that Canada's response to and recovery from COVID-19 is inclusive of diverse women.
- In particular, funding will support projects that address or remove systemic barriers impeding the progress and advancement of women in three priority areas:
- Encouraging women and girls in leadership and decision-making roles
- Improving women's and girls' economic security and prosperity
- Ending violence against women and girls
- Recognizing the need for a feminist, intersectional response to COVID-19, Women and Gender Equality Canada will direct funding to projects supporting marginalized or underrepresented women including Indigenous women, Black women, women of colour women who are members of LGBTQ2 communities, and women living with disabilities or in rural or remote communities.
- Through the Women's Program, the Department for Women and Gender Equality invests in projects across Canada that address systemic barriers to women's equality. The objective of the Women's Program is to achieve the full participation of women in the economic, social and democratic life of Canada.
- With historic increases in funding over the past five years, the Women's Program has been able to significantly extend its funding support to advance systemic change for women's equality and strengthen the capacity of women's organizations.
- Budget 2019 announced $160 million over five years to the Women's Program to enable further community action to tackle systemic barriers impeding women's progress, while recognizing and addressing the diverse experiences of gender and inequality across the country.
- To date, through this Budget 2019 commitment, up to $30 million has been invested in three innovative funding projects with Community Foundations of Canada, Canadian Women's Foundation, and Grand Challenges Canada.
Feminist Response and Recovery Fund
- The impacts of COVID-19 have exposed gaps in our systems and amplified existing inequalities for women in Canada and around the world. Women have faced increased job losses, reduced hours of work, have shouldered the majority of additional unpaid care responsibilities at home, and continue to be on the front lines of the pandemic. There have also been widespread reports of increased intimate partner and other forms of violence. These impacts have been further compounded for Indigenous women, racialized women and other underrepresented groups of women.
- On February 11 2021, the Department launched a Call for Proposals under the Women's Program entitled Feminist Response and Recovery Fund.
- This Fund will invest $100 million in systemic change projects to support a feminist response and recovery from the current impacts of COVID-19, particularly for underrepresented women.
- This call for proposals provides the flexibility for organizations to be responsive to the broad and diverse systemic issues that need to be tackled.
- In particular, funding will support projects that address or remove systemic barriers impeding the progress and advancement of women in three priority areas:
- Encouraging women and girls in leadership and decision-making roles
- Improving women's and girls' economic security and prosperity
- Ending violence against women and girls
- The Fund will support organizations undertaking new projects, or scaling up past successful projects.
- Funding will prioritize proposals which address barriers for underrepresented women including those who are Indigenous, racialized, newcomers, members of official language minority communities (OLMCs), seniors, young women and girls, women who are members of LGBTQ2 communities, low-income, living with a disability and in a rural, remote or northern community.
- Systemic change can advance gender equality by allowing women and girls to fully participate in the economic, social, democratic and political life of Canada.
- This may include improving policies and practices; resource distribution; networks and collaborations; distribution of authority, voices and decision-making power; and gender norms and attitudes.
- The call was open to not-for-profit women's organizations and other not-for-profit organizations with experience in advancing equality for women, not-for-profit Indigenous organizations, educational institutions, research organizations and institutes, and centres of expertise. To be eligible, organizations had to be legally constituted organizations in Canada. Where there are no Indigenous organizations, Indigenous governments (including band councils, tribal councils and self-government entities) and their agencies were eligible.
- Through this call, funding is available until March 2024 as follows:
- Proposals with local scope: up to $300,000 total
- Proposals with provincial/territorial/regional/interprovincial/ inter-territorial scope: up to $500,000 total
- Proposals with pan-Canadian scope: up to $700,000 total
- Organizations operating in the north can request an additional 25% to address additional costs of living and travelling in remote northern areas.
- The call closed on March 25, 2021 and assessment of applications is currently underway with an aim to flow funding as quickly as possible to organizations. Approximately 900 applications were received, representing an ask of over $375M.
II. Program
7. WAGE Funding
Recommended response
- A strong and vibrant women's and equality-seeking movement is part of the foundation of a more inclusive Canada, one where everyone has opportunities to succeed. Women's organizations and equality seeking organizations provide vital supports to those who are most vulnerable so that they can be financially secure, safe from violence, and able to fully participate in all aspects of our economy and society.
- Since November 2015, the Government of Canada has significantly increased funding to the sector. Since that time, over 795 projects for more than $300 million have been funded to ensure that everyone can participate fully as members of Canadian society.
- To date, over 250 of these projects have been funded under the Capacity-building Fund, which supported women's and Indigenous organizations across Canada to continue providing essential supports to women and their families.
- 110 projects were supported under the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls Commemoration Fund, which provided over $13 million over two years to help honour the lives and legacies of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls, and LGBTQ and Two-Spirit people.
- Approximately 60 projects related to developing and testing promising practices to support survivors of gender-based violence and their families in communities across Canada were funded for approximately $50 million.
- 7 national LGBTQ2 organizations were funded for over $4.9 million through the LGBTQ2 Community Capacity Fund to help build stronger organizations, networks and infrastructure.
- 70 LGBTQ2 community organizations receiving more than $12 million in support through the LGBTQ2 Community Capacity Fund to help place them on solid footing, strengthening their ability to undertake their important work.
- To respond to the impact of COVID-19, WAGE provided $90 million in emergency funding to over 1,000 organizations across Canada providing critical supports and services to those experiencing gender-based violence to ensure continuity of services during this challenging time. Since April 2020, nearly 800,000 women and children experiencing violence had a place to turn because of this funding.
- In support of the National Strategy to Combat Human Trafficking, the Department is providing $14 million in funding for 43 projects to prevent and address human trafficking through the development and implementation of promising practices in support of at-risk populations and survivors.
- In 2019-20 alone, 6 million people benefitted from the important work of these organizations. I am proud that my team at WAGE has worked hard delivering this critical funding to ensure that organizations on the front line can continue the important work they do to advance gender equality.
- Building on this historic funding, Budget 2021 proposes additional investments through WAGE to advance gender equality, including $390 million in GBV programming towards a National Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence (GBV NAP), and $15 million for a new LGBTQ2 Projects Fund to support LGBTQ2 community initiatives.
- WAGE has the following funding programs: Women's Program; the Equality for Sex, Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression Program (e.g., the LGBTQ2 Community Capacity Fund); and the Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Program. A description of each program has been provided below. In addition, information on the COVID-19 emergency funding for women and children experiencing and fleeing violence is also provided below.
Women's Program: Summary of Funding
- Through the Women's Program, the Department for Women and Gender Equality invests in projects across Canada that address systemic barriers to women's equality. The objective of the Women's Program is to achieve the full participation of women in the economic, social and democratic life of Canada.
- With historic increases in funding over the past five years, the Women's Program has been able to significantly extend its funding support to advance systemic change for women's equality and strengthen the capacity of women's organizations.
- Since November 2015, the Women's Program has funded over 600 projects, totalling approximately $230 million.
- Budget 2019 announced $160M over five years to the Women's Program to enable further community action to tackle systemic barriers impeding women's progress, while recognizing and addressing the diverse experiences of gender and inequality across the country.
- On February 11, 2021, the Department launched the $100 million Feminist Response and Recovery Fund Call for Proposals under the Women's Program, which will fund eligible organizations to support a feminist response and recovery from the current impacts of COVID-19, particularly for underrepresented women, through systemic change projects.
- The call closed on March 25, 2021 and assessment of applications is currently underway. Approximately 900 applications were received, representing an ask of over $375.M.
Equality for Sex, Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression Program (LGBTQ2)
- Budget 2019 provided $20 million over three years to enhance LGBTQ2 organizations' capacity.
- Over $4.9 million is being distributed to 7 key national organizations.
- Fierté Canada Pride ($650,000)
- Conseil québécois LGBT ($549,963)
- The Enchanté Network ($1,505,000)
- Égale Canada Human Rights Trust ($899,861)
- Canadian Rainbow Coalition for Refuge ($582,466)
- 2 Spirits in Motion Foundation ($650,000)
- Canadian Trans Network ($99,984)
- A call for proposals for the LGBTQ2 Community Capacity Fund closed on May 14, 2020. The call received more than 260 applications, and as a result, WAGE is now investing in building the capacity of 70 new organizations across the country whose initiatives contribute to a strong LGBTQ2 movement in Canada to advance equality for all people.
- The disbursement of these funds to successful applicant organizations started in fall 2020. A formal joint public announcement on this funding was made with Minister Chagger on February 11, 2021.
Gender-Based Violence Program
- The GBV Program complements the Department's Women's Program and supports the development and implementation of promising practices to address gaps in supports for survivors and their families.
- Through WAGE's GBV Program, approximately $50 million is being invested in approximately 60 projects, which develop and test promising practices to support survivors of gender-based violence and their families in communities across Canada.
- Through this program, the Department is particularly focused on addressing gaps in supports for Indigenous women and their communities and other underserved populations, such as those who are more at risk of gender-based violence and/or who are facing barriers to accessing support services.
- The promising practices being developed with this funding will help more organizations, such as sexual assault crisis centres, better support population groups that are at the highest risk of experiencing or having experienced violence.
Human Trafficking Initiative
- On September 4, 2019, the National Strategy to Combat Human Trafficking (National Strategy) was launched by the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, with investments of $57 million over five years and $10 million per year ongoing. Through the National Strategy, WAGE received $10 million over 5 years and $2 million per year ongoing [redacted] to develop the Continuum of Care – Prevention and Interventions for Vulnerable Populations initiative.
- Following a June 2020 call for proposals, WAGE announced, on December 15, 2020, funding for 43 projects for a total of $14 million for organizations to develop, deliver, and test empowerment-focused prevention and intervention promising practices for at-risk populations, victims, and survivors of human trafficking, including women and girls, Indigenous women and girls, LGBTQ2 and gender-diverse people.
COVID-19 Emergency Funding for Shelters and Sexual Assault Centres
- From the start, Canada's COVID-19 response measures have been informed by a feminist and intersectional analysis, to ensure that our approach provides support to those who need it most.
- This includes supporting people with care responsibilities, those providing essential services, those who face job and income losses due to the pandemic, and women and children experiencing violence.
- As a result, the Government of Canada put in place measures to support those who need help most, which include $90 million through WAGE for organizations serving women and children experiencing gender-based violence.
- The funding was distributed as follows:
- $36.24 million was provided to Women's Shelters Canada to redistribute to women's shelters, including Indigenous Off-Reserve shelters across the country (outside of Quebec);
- $33.6 million to Canadian Women's Foundation to redistribute to sexual assault centres, women's organizations, and other organizations providing supports and services to those experiencing GBV (outside of Quebec); and,
- $15.16M to the Province of Quebec to redistribute to women's shelters and organizations that support victims of sexual and domestic violence across the province. A total of $17.46M was transferred to Quebec, with $2.3M coming from WAGE's G&C's program budget.
- Of the $85 million, $2.3 million supported over 30 women's shelters, sexual assault centres and other organizations in rural communities.
- In addition, up to $5 million is supporting the mobilization of grassroots and community organizations to further coordinate and support their important work.
- To date funding has been provided to over 1,000 organizations, including women's shelters, Indigenous shelters, sexual assault centres, women's and other organizations providing services and supports to those experiencing gender-based violence across the country.
Budget 2021 Proposed Investments for WAGE Programming
- Reinforcing the Government's commitment to end gender-based violence, Budget 2021 proposes to build on Budgets 2017 and 2018 with a total of $601.3 million over five years, towards a National Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence (GBV NAP). This includes $390 million in GBV programming for WAGE, starting in 2021-22, as follows:
- $200 million over 2 years to WAGE to support GBV organizations.
- $105 million over 5 years to WAGE to enhance the GBV program, for initiatives to engage men & boys; stop human trafficking, support at-risk populations and survivors, and provide support for testing and implementing best-practices.
- $55 million over 5 years to WAGE to bolster the capacity of Indigenous women and 2SLGBTQQIA+ organizations to provide gender-based violence prevention programming aimed at addressing the root causes of violence against Indigenous women, girls, and 2SLGBTQQIA+people.
- $30 million over 5 years to WAGE so crisis hotlines can serve the urgent needs of more Canadians to prevent the escalation of GBV during the pandemic.
- Additionally, Budget 2021 pledges $15 million over 3 years for WAGE, starting in 2021-22, for a new LGBTQ2 Projects Fund dedicated to supporting community-informed initiatives to overcome key issues facing LGBTQ2 communities, such as accessing mental health services and employment support.
Impact Of Women's Program Investments
Improving women's and girls' economic security and prosperity
- Increased access to services & supports - In 2019-20, projects in this category created and disseminated 55 different resources to increase awareness of what services and supports were available and how to access them. Other projects connected women to services. For example, the Calgary Immigrant Women's Association undertook a project to increase access to affordable alternative child care for immigrant women working in the food service industry. The organization offered free child care services, resulting in 43% of women moving to full-time work, 29% receiving promotions, and 14% re-entering the labour force. As a result of these projects, 350,364 women gained access to services and supports that resulted in better opportunities in education, employment, health, and social services.
- Increased knowledge & skills - In 2019-20, projects in this category developed and disseminated nearly 70 different resources and implemented 347 different training workshops. For example, BuildForce Canada's project increased skills for a respectful and inclusive workplace in order to reduce workplace harassment. This was done by delivering workshops to 500 employees in the construction and maintenance industry. Those who completed the training had a better understanding of bullying and harassing behaviours and the impact they have on women who work alongside them. As a result of these resources and training workshops, nearly 400,000 people gained skills and knowledge to create more equitable conditions for women in various spheres.
- Changes to policies & institutions - In 2019-20, projects in this category developed and disseminated 46 different resources, undertook advocacy, and leveraged 215 partnerships and collaborations in order to bring about changes to institutional processes and cultures. For example, the New Brunswick Coalition for Pay Equity collaborated with partners to undertake advocacy and develop resources for private sector companies in New Brunswick to support more equitable pay for men and women. As a result of this project, the Government of New Brunswick helped to implement two new pay equity initiatives for private sector companies in the province. As a result of the changes to policies and institutions, conditions have been created for gender equality in public and private spheres.
Ending violence against women and girls
- Increased access to services & supports - In 2019-20, projects in this category created and disseminated 63 different resources to increase awareness of what services and supports were available and how to access them. As a result of these projects, 1,034,555 women gained access to services and supports related to gender-based violence, including access to counselling, court services, and trauma-informed victims' services.
- Increased knowledge & skills - In 2019-20, projects in this category developed and disseminated over 60 resources and implemented 197 training workshops. For example, the Fredericton Sexual Assault Crisis Centre (FSACC) delivered specialized training to 55 individuals from 25 police forces and organizations working closely with police, in order to improve their skills for supporting sexual assault victims. As a result of these resources and training workshops, over 1 million people gained skills and knowledge to prevent gender-based violence, to support those affected by gender-based violence and to help people escape gender-based violence.
- Changes to policies & institutions - In 2019-20, projects in this category developed and disseminated 28 resources, undertook advocacy, and leveraged 294 partnerships and collaborations in order to bring about changes to institutional processes and cultures. For example, the Kent Centre for the Prevention of Violence worked with partners across the province of New Brunswick to bring about changes to intake processes in shelters in the province. As a result of this project, all shelters across New Brunswick now use a uniform admissions kit to better meet the needs of women entering their shelters. As a result of the changes to policies and institutions, systemic changes have been made to better serve those experiencing gender-based violence.
Encouraging women and girls in leadership and decision-making roles
- Increased access to services & supports - In 2019-20, projects in this category developed and disseminated 125 different resources to improve access to supports for women leaders. For example, the New Brunswick Coalition for Pay Equity produced a series of resources to support innovative mentorship models and other support services for women leaders and decision-makers in community-based organizations. In total, 600 women participated in the project and gained access to mentors in order to help develop their leadership skills. As a result of these projects, 3,616,108 women gained access to services and supports that resulted in better opportunities for leadership positions in various spheres.
- Increased knowledge & skills – In 2019-20, projects in this category developed and disseminated 126 resources and implemented 259 training workshops. For example, the PEI Coalition for Women in Government, Women's Network PEI and Winding Path Incorporated, partnered on a project to provide women in PEI with the knowledge and skills to participate in political spheres. In total, 315 women participated in the training workshops. As a result, in the provincial election following the project, PEI saw a record high of 33% women candidates and a 5% increase in the number of women elected. As a result of these resources and training workshops, over 3.5 million people gained skills and knowledge to create more equitable conditions for women in various spheres.
- Changes to policies & institutions - In 2019-20, projects in this category developed and disseminated 100 resources, undertook advocacy, and leveraged 304 partnerships and collaborations, in order to bring about changes to institutional processes and cultures. For example, the "Daughters of the Vote" project, an annual initiative by Equal Voice, has brought about systemic changes in government by organizing one day each year in which 338 delegates, representing every federal riding in Canada, participate in the House of Commons Orders of the Day, and engage with MPs in a political leadership summit. As a result of the project, gender equality has increased in federal government and there are now a historic 100 women MPs. As a result of these projects, systemic changes have been made to reduce barriers and increase the proportion of women in leadership positions.
Other Project Examples And Testimonials
LGBTQ2 Program Project Examples:
- Egale Canada Human Right Trust received $100,000 for a 12-month project to address organizational capacity needs through expansion of the organization's research capabilities so the organization can become a National LGBTQ2 Research Lab/Hub, thereby ensuring greater accessibility to knowledge, expertise, and best practices in order to address discrimination and oppression experienced by members of the LGBTQ2 community in Canada. Specifically, organizational capacity will be further enhanced through the establishment of a National LGBTQ2 Academic Advisory Council; the development an online research hub; the completion a literature review and conducting research studies on key areas of interest; and, the promotion of the research hub and individual studies and findings via online communication channels. It is expected that through this project, partnerships and collaborations are established and/or strengthened to support the LGBTQ2 movement LGBTQ2 organizations have increased knowledge and capacity to advance equality with respect to sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression.
- Fierté Canada Pride is receiving $250,000 for a 7-month project to strengthen the organization's foundational structure and network to support the growth and capacity of Pride organizations across the country by engaging them in an asset mapping exercise, developing and launching a 5-year strategic plan, implementing a micro-granting program for small and medium Pride organizations, and providing members with capacity-building support services. Through this project it is anticipated that LGBTQ2 organizations will have increased knowledge and capacity to advance equality with respect to sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression.
- The Enchanté Network is receiving $700,000 for an 8-month project to support its incorporation and expansion from coast to coast, strengthen its governance, develop and implement a communication strategy, work on partnership development, organize its founding national general meeting and provide micro grants to support the capacity building of LGBTQ2 centres and establishment of other centres across the country. Through this project it is anticipated that LGBTQ2 organizations will have increased knowledge and capacity to advance equality with respect to sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression.
GBV Program Project Examples:
- Family Transition Place, in Orangeville, Ontario, is receiving $999,837 over five years for their project entitled "Rural Response Program" to implement promising practices to support survivors and their families. The organization is working to reducing barriers to access to services for women in rural and remote communities through mobile service delivery and increased partnerships between service providers.
- The Indo-Canadian Women's Association, based in Edmonton, is receiving $560,890 to create and pilot a protocol for home visitors, such as nurses and Children's Services, to screen for violence when providing services to Indigenous women, newcomers, refugees or non-status women, and ethno-cultural women and their children. The approach is trauma-informed and culturally sensitive to enable women to safely report violence and connect them and their children with much-needed support services.
- Y des femmes de Montréal (YWCA Montreal) is receiving $981,129 in funding for their project entitled "The Graduation Approach and Gender-Based Violence." The project is adapting and testing the Graduation Approach support model to improve the support services available to newly arrived immigrant women who are survivors of gender-based violence, regardless of their legal status. Project activities are helping these women and their families cope with their loss, improve their economic security and develop the ability to be independent within the community.
COVID-19 Emergency Funding for Shelters and Sexual Assault Centres Testimonials:
Envision Counselling & Support Centre Inc., SK – Christa Daku, Executive Director
"The Safer and Stronger funding has enabled Envision Counseling and Support Centre to accommodate more counsellors in our rural office locations in Southeast Saskatchewan. The organization has responded to the Covid-19 crisis by adding counselling programs with greater accessibility for clients experiencing gender based violence and other mental health struggles, becoming more relevant in our communities, and more able to reach a greater number of women, girls and individuals who are struggling with GBV.
This surge in clients has resulted in inadequate office space for counsellors. There is a lack of privacy to hold in-person sessions or remote sessions. With this funding, Envision Counselling was able to reconfigure office space to respond to the increased need in our communities, adding privacy and functionality for video or telephone counselling."
Islanders Working Against Violence, BC - Kisae Petersen, Executive Director
"The COVID funding has made such a difference to our residents at the Transition House and Second Stage House. At our transition house, these funds have been used to purchase toys, art materials, books for each child to use in their own room. This has provided additional childcare staffing which has supported the mothers during school closures and allowed them to attend important legal and health appointments.
At our Second Stage House, we helped a mom and son with technology so that he could participate with his online learning when the schools were closed. We've also created a garden program so that women can be outside and experiencing the joy of growing food and flowers.
Lastly, Women Shelters Canada's distribution of WAGE funds was very skillful at making these funds available quickly and professionally."
Hope Haven, NL - Nicole Young, Executive Director
"Covid -19 has taken its toll on all facets of society and created many barriers for women experiencing violence. The quick response of funds for Women's Transition houses across Canada gave our Transition House in Labrador the ability to address our specific needs quickly and effectively. A major barrier for our area was that initially there was no transportation in our community as taxis came off the road and we do not have public transportation. The funding helped us address this major gap and allowed us to safely arrange transportation for women seeking our services. It also helped us address PPE needs, supporting women in isolation, additional staffing when needed and aided in ramping up cleaning protocols. We were able to address concerns and barriers for women in our community as the needs came up."
Ganohkwasra Family Assault Support Services, ON - Sandra Montour, Executive Director
"Ganohkwasra Family Assault Support Services is extremely grateful to WAGE for their financial support. First of all, thank you for remembering that shelters are indeed congregate living settings. I have been listening to the media and it is only recently that I have heard anything recognizing shelters as congregate living environments. Our staff and residents are at an increased level of risk for COVID-19, simply because of the shared living arrangements of our facilities. Secondly, I would like to mention that Ganohkwasra, as an on-reserve facility, has continued to provide services to women and families throughout the pandemic, on site, at our facility.
As a rural service, we are not privileged with having hotel accommodations close by so families can isolate for 14 days. We have had to figure out how to provide residents with a safe living environment, inclusive of providing basic and personal needs; isolation, quarantine, COVID-19 testing, as well as providing vital VAW programs and services. Therefore, the financial support provided by WAGE has been absolutely KEY in purchasing items that we are not funded to purchase, such as safe PPE; electronics for the bedrooms so we can continue to provide support and programming to our women and families who are in isolation and/or quarantine; as well as plexiglass barriers and thermal cameras that immediately take people's temperatures as they pass. Also, we can now provide weekly deep cleaning and sanitizing for everyone's safety. Therefore, on behalf of our staff and residents, Niawen:kowa (Big Thank You) for all you have done and all you are doing for the shelters!"
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