Members of the National Housing Council
Description: This bank describes information used in the identification and selection of individuals to fill positions on the National Housing Council. The personal information collected may include the following: full name, contact information, official language of choice, date of birth, country of birth, citizenship, gender, marital status, belonging to a minority, Social Insurance Number (SIN), unique identification number (e.g., unique employee number), terms and conditions of appointment including remuneration (e.g., salary, honoraria, per diem rate) and benefits, signature, physical limitations and any other relevant medical information, photographs or other image recordings, audio recordings, educational background, employment status, employment equity information, work history, volunteering history, professional affiliations, credit card and financial institution information, government security clearances, biographical information (including information about family members), conflict of interest declarations, opinions or views of, or about individuals and topics related to systemic housing issues, Internet protocol address, letters of reference/recommendation, appointment date, and duration and resignation dates, if applicable.
Class of Individuals: Candidates, as well as current and former members of the Council, their family members, and individuals whose names have been provided as personal references.
Purpose: The personal information collected is used to support the identification, evaluation and selection of individuals to serve on the National Housing Council. The information may be used to provide advice to the Minister or Head of the institution to fill existing and/or forthcoming vacancies and to maintain an inventory of potential candidates. The personal information is also used to manage the administration of expenses (e.g., travel) and compensation and benefits packages, conduct performance evaluations, maintain an inventory of current and former appointees, record potential conflicts of interest and any compliance action required, and to communicate with these individuals. The authority to collect personal information is found in sections 11 and 12 of the Department of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Act. The Social Insurance Number is collected pursuant to the section 237 of the Income Tax Act.
Consistent Uses: This information may be used in the preparation of reports for senior management and broader audiences, ad hoc professional engagement of Council members and communications materials (e.g., press releases, biographies etc.) that may be disseminated in multiple formats, including the NHC website. With consent of the individual, this information may be shared with other Government of Canada institutions for uses consistent with the mandate of the National Housing Council on which personal information is collected and/or sharing of best practices. Information may be disclosed to the Canada Revenue Agency (refer to Individual Returns and Payment Processing – CRA PPU 005) and, where applicable, the Province of Quebec for income tax purposes. Assistance of third party service providers may be used during the selection process. Information may also be used or disclosed for human resource, program planning or management, reporting, safety or security, audit, evaluation, statistical, research and/or policy development purposes.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Records are retained for 6 years after the staffing action is completed or abandoned and then destroyed.
RDA Number: 2021/003
Related Record Number: PRN 938
TBS Registration: Pending TBS approval.
Bank Number: PPU 025
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