Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada Grants and Contributions
Description: This bank describes information related to applications processed and/or approved for various HICC grants and contributions programs. The personal information may include: biographical information, contact information, electronic tags, financial information, language preference, land ownership, name, opinions or views of – or about – individuals, and signature.
Note: In addition to the requirements specified on the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Personal Information Request form, individuals requesting information described by this bank must provide the name of the grant or contribution program for which the application was completed and the name of the applicant identified in the application.
Class of Individuals: Representatives of the applicants applying for HICC grant and contribution funding, land owners and contractors. Applicants can include: municipal, provincial or territorial governments, public and private sector bodies, public or not-for-profit post-secondary institutions, and Indigenous peoples that have applied for, and/or been approved for, funding assistance.
Purpose: Personal information is collected pursuant to the Department of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Act for the purpose of administering the grant or contribution program. Program administration includes: determining eligibility and funding approval; evaluate, review, assess and select funding applications; corresponding with applicants, monitoring the progress of funded projects, and issuing payments.
Consistent Uses: General information about approved projects including the name of the successful applicant, date of approval, the funding amount, project description and the location is proactively disclosed to the public once a funding agreement is signed.
Information may be used or disclosed for program planning or management, surveys, reporting, audit, statistical purposes, policy development, analysis, research, evaluation, duty to consult, promotion and/or communication purposes. It may also be disclosed to other HICC programs, program specific committees, other federal institutions, external experts and/or external review committees, and specific provincial and territorial institutions for the purpose of administering and auditing the program; assisting Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada with project review and evaluation and assessing program results; determining eligibility under other government programs; and confirming past federal funding sought by an applicant.
Privacy Impact Assessment: A PIA was completed in 2021 for the Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund, the Green and Inclusive Community Buildings Program, the Natural Infrastructure Fund and the Permanent Public Transit Program.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Records are retained for 6 years after the program close date.
RDA Number: 2021-003
Related Record Number: HICC CIP 040, HICC CIP 050, HICC CIP 060, HICC CIP 090, HICC CIP 100, HICC CIP 300
TBS Registration: 20210083
Bank Number: HICC PPU 005
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