Infrastructure Project Signage Guidelines - Introduction

Placing signs at construction sites is a long-standing practice to communicate key project details to the public. Through project signs, Canadians can easily recognize where infrastructure investments are being made in their communities.

Below you will find links to information about the current infrastructure signage guidelines. They apply to all federal infrastructure funding and transfer programs outlined in Investing in Canada: The $180+ Billion Long-Term Infrastructure Plan. The guidelines also apply to any new signs being installed at infrastructure projects that are jointly funded with the Government of Canada under any previous federal infrastructure application and transfer-based funding programs.

Download Signage Design Files

To use the project signage files, go into your "Downloads" folder and right-click the zipped folder. Select "Extract all". This will ensure that the template design files retain their links to the proper source files.

If you have additional questions, please contact your respective provincial or territorial fund manager, or Infrastructure Canada:

Telephone Infrastructure Canada: 613-948-1148
Toll Free Number:1-877-250-7154