2023 to 2024 Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy Report
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Cat. No. T91-8E-PDF
ISSN 2564-2693
Introduction to the 2023 to 2024 Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy Report
The 2022 to 2026 Federal Sustainable Development Strategy (FSDS) presents the Government of Canada's sustainable development goals and targets, as required by the Federal Sustainable Development Act. This is the first FSDS to be framed using the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations 2030 Agenda and provides a balanced view of the environmental, social, and economic dimensions of sustainable development.
In keeping with the purpose of the Act, to make decision-making related to sustainable development more transparent and accountable to Parliament, Housing, Infrastructure and Communities CanadaFootnote 1 supports the goals laid out in the FSDS through the activities described in Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada's 2023 to 2027 Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy (DSDS). This Report outlines progress related to Infrastructure Canada's DSDS in fiscal year 2023-24.
The Federal Sustainable Development Act also sets out 7 principles that must be considered in the development of the FSDS and DSDSs. These basic principles have been considered and incorporated in Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada's DSDS and 2023 to 2024 DSDS Report.
To promote coordinated action on sustainable development across the Government of Canada, Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada's departmental strategy reports on Canada's progress towards implementing the 2030 Agenda and advancing the SDGs, supported by the Global Indicator Framework (GIF) and Canadian Indicator Framework (CIF) targets and indicators. The Report also now captures progress on SDG initiatives that fall outside the scope of the FSDS.
Commitments for Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada

Goal 6:
Ensure clean and safe water for all Canadians
FSDS Context
While Canada's drinking water is among the safest in the world, access to clean drinking water remains a challenge in some small, remote, and Indigenous communities. Existing drinking water and water treatment systems require ongoing investment to ensure that they meet the needs of Canadians across the country. When Canadians use water resources, they expect that the infrastructure in their community helps to keep the environment clean by preventing pollution of lakes and rivers, preventing water loss and conserving energy. Addressing sources of water pollution and contamination, such as under-treated wastewater and run-off from cities, can help ensure that lakes and rivers continue to provide opportunities for swimming, boating, and recreational fishing and support economic activities such as tourism, commercial fisheries, agriculture, shipping, manufacturing, and energy production over the long term.
Over the past five years, Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada has implemented a number of programs and initiatives to ensure our existing systems are up to the task of producing the high quality of water Canadians expect and reliably delivering it to households. As pipes age and deteriorate over time, they become more prone to cracks and ruptures. Timely repair of these aging pipes can help prevent wasteful leakage of precious water resources and incidences of water overflow from pipe breakage. Investments in the replacement of old pipes support the efficient use of Canada's water resources, reducing leakages and ensuring that potable water makes it to the taps of Canadians. In addition, Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada investments are helping ensure that, as new communities grow and new houses and businesses are built across the country, they are connected to clean and safe drinking water and systems that treat wastewater. Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada funds water and wastewater projects through the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP) and the Canada Community Building Fund (CCBF).
Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada will consider SDGs and establish relevant targets and indicators during the development of future programming.
Initiatives advancing Canada's implementation of SDG 6 – Clean Water and Sanitation
The following initiatives demonstrate how Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada's programming supports the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs, supplementing the information outlined above.
Planned initiatives | Associated domestic targets or ambitions and/or global targets | Results achieved |
Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada has invested in water and wastewater projects through the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP). ICIP has helped communities reduce air and water pollution, provide clean water, increase resilience to climate change and create a clean-growth economy. This program overall seeks to build strong, dynamic and inclusive communities, while ensuring that Canadian families have access to modern, reliable services that improve their quality of life. Eligible projects include the construction and upgrading of water and wastewater treatment plants and pumping facilities, water and wastewater transmission mains, water and wastewater pipes, water meters, water towers, water and wastewater collection systems and water reservoirs, water and wastewater storage facilities, and flood-proofing infrastructure. Funding is also being used to improve stormwater management through the construction and upgrading of treatment facilities, collection systems, and pipes. |
CIF 6.1. Ambition - Canadians have access to drinking water and use it in a sustainable manner. CIF 6.1. Target - All the long-term drinking water advisories on public systems on reserves are to be resolved. CIF 6.2.1.: Percentage of municipalities across Canada with sustained drinking water advisories. This indicator focuses on municipal owners of potable water assets by drinking water advisories that exceeded 15 days, urban and rural, and population size. There is no specific target identified. GIF 6.1.: By 2030, achieve universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water for all. GIF 6.b.: Support and strengthen the participation of local communities in improving water and sanitation management. |
Over the fiscal year 2023-24, Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada continued to support projects across the country funded through the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP). The projects continued to contribute to economic growth, climate resilience, reduced emissions and the creation of good middle-class jobs. In fiscal year 2023-24, 104 ICIP water and wastewater projects were completed. To date, 1397 projects were funded under ICIP for water and wastewater in 1012 communities (cumulative up to March 31, 2024). |
Investments made through the Canada Community Building Fund (CCBF) aim to provide long-term stability where needed and support planning for future systems improvements that contribute to the objectives of clean economic growth and prosperity. The CCBF is a permanent source of funding provided upfront, twice a year, to provinces and territories, who in turn flow this funding to their municipalities to support local infrastructure priorities, including drinking water and wastewater projects. |
CIF 6.1. Ambition: Canadians have access to drinking water and use it in a sustainable manner. CIF 6.1. Target: All the long-term drinking water advisories on public systems on reserves are to be resolved. GIF 6.1.: By 2030, achieve universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water for all. GIF 6.b.: Support and strengthen the participation of local communities in improving water and sanitation management. |
Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada continued to flow funding to the provinces and territories through the Canada Community-Building Fund (CCBF) which enabled municipalities to invest in initiatives across 19 different project categories, such as water and wastewater, solid waste infrastructure disaster mitigation and community energy systems. In 2023-24, the CCBF program provided $2.4 billion to more than 3,600 communities across Canada. |
Goal 9:
Foster innovation and green infrastructure in Canada
FSDS Context
Green infrastructure plays a key role in conserving natural resources and addressing climate change impacts by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and pollution. People in Canada need to be able to trust that their infrastructure can withstand climate impacts for decades to come. As climate change continues, green infrastructure will be increasingly important to sustain economic, environmental, and social well-being. Investing in green infrastructure, such as low-carbon transportation, climate-resilient and energy-efficient buildings, and clean energy, helps build healthy and resilient communities, promotes environmental sustainability, drives economic growth, and supports a net-zero economy.
Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada funds projects to foster innovation and green infrastructure through a number of its programs, notably the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP), the Canada Community-Building Fund (CCBF) and the Natural Infrastructure Fund (NIF).
The ICIP Green Infrastructure Stream provides funding for projects that enable greater adaptation and resilience to the impacts of climate change and climate-related disaster mitigation. It also ensures that more communities can provide clean air for their citizens. ICIP projects include those that improve the resilience of communities and facilitate the transition to a clean growth economy, while also improving social inclusion and socio-economic outcomes for Canadians.
CCBF allows for local project selection in 19 eligible categories, including public transit and community energy system projects. The fund promotes investments in increased productivity and economic growth, a clean environment, and strong cities and communities.
NIF supports natural and hybrid infrastructure projects to further Canada's commitment to climate change resilience while contributing to national biodiversity goals and targets. By supporting natural infrastructure, such as conserving and restoring wetlands and marshes, projects funded through NIF can help prevent climate change impacts such as flash floods and support the conservation and recovery of wildlife species, including species at risk. Furthermore, NIF helps to build awareness and increase the use of natural and hybrid infrastructure, by creating, expanding or enhancing a community's access to nature, furthering resilience to climate change, improving environmental quality, and protecting biodiversity.
Additionally, Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada is incentivizing new community spaces to be built to net-zero standards, to incorporate low-carbon design elements (e.g., selecting low-carbon materials) and is accelerating the rate of retrofits to achieve deeper emissions reductions and energy efficiency savings. Funding is provided for green infrastructure projects through the Green and Inclusive Community Buildings (GICB) program and the Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund (DMAF). The GICB program aims to improve energy efficiency in existing buildings and support the construction of new net-zero carbon ones, particularly in areas with populations with higher needs. The GICB program supports the construction and adaptation of community buildings across Canada to reduce carbon emissions, advance greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation measures and encourage best practices in building design for climate change resilience. DMAF invests in structural and natural infrastructure projects to increase the resilience of communities that are impacted by natural disasters triggered by climate change to help communities prepare for, and withstand, the potential impacts of natural disasters, prevent infrastructure failures, and protect Canadians.
Target theme: Green Infrastructure and Innovation
Target: By fiscal year 2027 to 2028, the federal share of the value of green infrastructure projects approved under the Investing in Canada Plan will reach $27.6 billion (Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs, Infrastructure and Communities)
Implementation strategy | Departmental action | Performance Indicator Starting Point Target |
How the departmental action contributes to the FSDS goal and target and, where applicable, to Canada’s 2030 Agenda national strategy and SDGs | Results achieved |
Invest in green infrastructure |
Deliver Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada’s programming that contributes to green infrastructure. This includes:
Note: some of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada’s programming is included in the Investing in Canada Plan. |
Performance indicator: Starting point: Target: |
Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada’s green investments that support green infrastructure. This indicator tracks the Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada programs that invest in projects that support green infrastructure, which includes greenhouse gas mitigation, adaptation, resilience and disaster mitigation and environmental quality. Relevant targets or ambitions: GIF Target 11.7 – By 2030, provide universal access to safe, inclusive and accessible, green and public spaces, in particular for women and children, older persons and persons with disabilities. GIF Target 13.1 – Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related hazards and natural disasters in all countries. |
Indicator result: |
Develop and implement climate-resilient codes and standards |
Implement the Climate Resilient Built Environment (CRBE) initiative led by the National Research Council and the Supporting Standards for Resilient Infrastructure Program (SSRIP) led by the Standards Council of Canada. |
Performance indicator: Starting point: 75 new or updated codes, standards, guidance, and decision-support tools by 2028. |
Since 2016, Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada has been funding world-leading research to increase resilience to climate impacts of buildings and infrastructure through new and updated design data, construction specifications, decision tools, guidelines, standards, and changes to national codes. This work continues under the CRBE and SSRIP initiatives and with additional support through the National Adaptation Strategy. Priority areas for new research, guidance, codes, and standards by 2026 include nature-based solutions, flooding, resilient dams, Wildland-Urban Interface design, targeted guidance (transit, Northern), tools and technical solutions for public infrastructure management and specifications. Work is also underway to translate these technical documents and initiatives to use data that can be readily applied to infrastructure decision-making. Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada continues work to encourage early adoption of climate informed guidelines, standards, and codes. Relevant targets or ambitions: GIF Target 13.1 – Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related hazards and natural disasters in all countries. |
Indicator result: 65 Notes: The National Research Council - Climate Resilient Built Environment also reports through the National Research Council DSDS. Under the Climate Resilient Built Environment Initiative, research continued to inform guidance, standard and code development. No new guidance or standards were published in 2023-24. Code changes to the National Building Code and Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code are being considered for FY 2025-26. Standards Council of Canada - Supporting Standards for Resilient Infrastructure Program also reports through the ISED DSDS through the National Adaptation Strategy top-up in 2023. Under the Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada-funded portion of the Supporting Standards for Resilience Infrastructure Program, work was scoped and a contract for 9 standardization strategies were advanced during this period related to community climate resilience in the areas of: shoreline management, extreme heat, and frameworks for risk assessment and management. |
Goal 10:
Advance reconciliation with Indigenous peoples and take action on inequality
FSDS Context
Social, economic, and environmental inequalities persist in Canada. These inequalities disproportionately affect people with multiple intersecting identity factors such as gender identity and expression, race and ethnicity, faith community, Indigeneity, disability, sexual orientation, and low socioeconomic status. Reconciliation with Indigenous peoples is essential to addressing these inequalities and achieving substantive equality.
Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada fulfills the constitutional duty to consult and, where appropriate, accommodate Indigenous peoples, while also respecting federal environmental legislative and regulatory requirements. When possible, Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada relies on existing government processes or prior Indigenous engagement efforts of funding applicants to assist the department in fulfilling the duty to consult and, where applicable, accommodate Indigenous peoples. For example, if there are existing or planned consultation processes led by funding applicants such as Provinces and Territories, or by Regulatory Agencies (e.g., Fisheries and Oceans Canada), Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada will rely on these processes to the extent possible. If there are no existing processes, recipients of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada funding could be asked to undertake or participate in Indigenous engagement and consultation activities, or, in specific circumstances, Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada may coordinate and lead Canada's Crown-Indigenous consultation process.
Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada continues to support retrofits of existing community buildings and the construction of new resilient and net-zero buildings and outdoor facilities. Due to investments in community assets, Canadians will be able to gather safely in their communities, including Indigenous communities, as the country continues to move towards a net-zero carbon and climate-resilient future.
Given the over-representation of Indigenous peoples among those experiencing homelessness, Reaching Home: Canada's Homelessness Strategy will continue to fund and support organizations working to address Indigenous homelessness, including through the delivery of Indigenous-specific homelessness programming. Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada will collaborate with Indigenous partners to identify and advance priorities that meet the unique needs of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples.
Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada recognizes the distinct role that community infrastructure plays for the well-being and self-determination of Indigenous peoples. As such, the Department ensures that a minimum of 10% of the direct-funding program envelopes for the GICB Program, DMAF, and the NIF, as well as the Active Transportation Fund (ATF) and the Rural Transit Solutions Fund (RTSF), is allocated to Indigenous projects led by and for Indigenous populations and communities. Additionally, Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada will continue to support the implementation of the Government of Canada's commitment to have 5% of the total value of contracts awarded annually to Indigenous businesses.
To advance reconciliation and take action to reduce inequality, Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada has also taken steps to establish internal practices that contribute to reducing the disproportionate impact of social, economic, and environmental inequalities on Indigenous peoples. Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada is committed to acquiring talent that contributes to the representation of designated groups, including Indigenous peoples, which meets or exceeds workforce availability.
Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada also offers departmental awareness activities to foster cultural awareness and provide a space to support Indigenous peoples and intends to review its Harassment and Violence Prevention Policy to ensure that it aligns with the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
Implementation strategies supporting the goal
This section is for implementation strategies that support the goal "Advance reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples and take action on inequality" but not a specific FSDS target.
Implementation strategy | Departmental action | Performance Indicator Starting Point Target |
How the departmental action contributes to the FSDS goal and target and, where applicable, to Canada’s 2030 Agenda national strategy and SDGs | Results achieved |
Implement the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act |
Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada is committed to providing departmental competency training on the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act (UNDA). Completing the training will provide Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada officials with a clear understanding of how UNDA requires the department to collaborate with Indigenous partners in coordination with other federal departments and agencies to support implementation of the Act. |
Performance indicator: Starting point: Target: |
Advancing reconciliation with Indigenous peoples will be supported by improving employee awareness of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada’s roles and responsibilities in implementing the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act (UNDA) through regular competency training and guidance tools. Relevant targets or ambitions: |
Indicator result: Additionally, three briefings were held with senior management in FY 2023-24 that provided an overview of the UN Declaration Act, its statutory obligations, and a status update on its implementation at Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada. In light of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada's efforts to advance departmental enabling legislation, particular emphasis was placed on obligations to complete consistency-of-laws analyses for legislative and regulatory initiatives, as required under section 5, that assess a departmental proposal's alignment with the articles of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (The UN Declaration). Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada remains committed to exploring the UN Declaration’s application to departmental initiatives, including programs. Notes: The department continues to explore the development of a UNDA 101 introductory course tailored to Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada staff and management. |
Goal 11:
Improve access to affordable housing, clean air, transportation, parks, and green spaces, as well as cultural heritage in Canada
FSDS Context
Safe, modern, and efficient public transit systems remain important for the health and sustainability of communities. Public transit is an important option for Canadians to get where they need to go, whether that is to work or school, a healthcare appointment, or a social engagement with family and friends. When Canadians choose to take public transit, they expect convenient, dependable, and efficient travel. Federal transit funding supports public transit systems and active transportation networks, creates jobs, and makes communities more accessible and liveable to all. The Government of Canada is collaborating with partners to ensure that cities and communities are resilient and sustainable. The Permanent Public Transit Fund (PPTP) will support new subway lines, light-rail transit and streetcars, electric buses, active transportation infrastructure, and improved rural transit. This will create affordable commuting options and reduce Canada's emissions. It will also provide local governments with predictable transit funding.
PPTP was launched in 2021 and continues to support new subway lines, light-rail transit and streetcars, cycling, walking, and other active transportation infrastructure, and improved rural transit. This is done by delivering funding for projects through the Active Transportation Fund (ATF), and the Rural Transit Solutions Fund (RTSF). The permanent transit funding that is scheduled to start in 2026-27 will also provide local governments with predictable and ongoing transit funding.
ATF provides funding to support a modal shift away from cars and toward active transportation, in support of Canada's National Active Transportation Strategy. ATF invests in projects that build new and expanded networks of pathways, bike lanes, trails and pedestrian bridges, in addition to supporting active transportation planning and stakeholder engagement activities. Projects funded through this fund provide tangible benefits to communities, shortening commute times for families, creating good middle-class jobs, growing the economy, promoting healthier lifestyles, cutting air and noise pollution, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
People living in rural, remote, Northern, and Indigenous communities often depend on private vehicles and lack access to public transportation options. This means that people without access to private vehicles or unable to drive can be isolated from economic opportunities, essential services, and social interactions. From new transit agencies and on-demand services, to publicly owned ride shares and volunteer community carpooling, federal funding is helping rural Canadians in their daily lives. RTSF seeks to help Canadians living in rural and remote areas get around their communities more easily during day-to-day activities and connect with other communities nearby. This program is the first federal fund to target the development of transit solutions in rural and remote communities. RTSF offers funding to support the development of locally driven transit solutions that will help people living in rural communities get to work, school, appointments, and visits to loved ones.
Innovation continues to foster new and creative solutions in public transportation that support a cleaner environment while increasing the mobility of Canadians. Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada's programs seek to help communities invest in zero-emission transit and school transportation options that ensure cleaner air, create jobs, and support Canadian manufacturing. The Department recognizes that the electrification of public transit fleets can be challenging due to the complexities of converting transit systems to a new technology, which involves significant upfront costs associated with zero-emission buses and related infrastructure. To bridge this gap, and in addition to the transit programs outlined in SDG 11, the Zero Emission Transit Fund (ZETF) is a direct application fund under the Permanent Public Transit Program (PPTP) that offers support to public transit and school bus operators electrifying their fleets through the purchase of zero-emission buses and construction of supporting infrastructure, including charging infrastructure and facility upgrades. This program complements the Canada Infrastructure Bank's (CIB) Zero-Emission Buses Initiative intended to accelerate the adoption of over 5,000 zero-emission transit and school buses through low-cost flexible loans. The CIB financing contributes to reduced greenhouse gas emissions by supporting bus owners to finance the capital costs of zero-emission buses.
Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada also continues to provide funding to provinces, territories, and municipalities through the Public Transit stream of ICIP. The programs in this stream support the building, expansion and upgrading of urban and rural transit networks that improve service and transform the way Canadians live, move and work. The Public Transit Stream could fund activities to support new transit networks, service extensions, and active transportation initiatives. In addition, the Community, Culture and Recreation Infrastructure stream of ICIP provides provinces, territories, and municipalities with funding for infrastructure projects that will improve social inclusion, such as new, expanded, or renewed community, cultural, and recreational installations and facilities. Cultural infrastructure facilities support opportunities to highlight the richness of Canada's diversity, including facilities aimed at supporting off-reserve Indigenous populations.
Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada recognizes that making cities and communities sustainable means improving access to transportation, parks and green spaces, cultural heritage, clean air and affordable housing. As Canadians face the challenges of a rapidly changing climate, the need for community spaces where people can connect, engage, and support one another has never been greater.
Central to this effort is the National Housing Strategy, which represents Canada's commitment to ensuring that people across the country have greater access to safe, affordable, and inclusive housing. Launched in 2017, the Strategy includes a range of complementary programs and initiatives that address diverse needs across the entire housing continuum. It is anchored in the National Housing Strategy Act which requires the Strategy to consider the key principles of a human rights-based approach to housing. Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada collaborates with the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation in the development and delivery of affordable housing programs, such as:
- The Affordable Housing Fund (formerly known as the National Housing Co-Investment Fund) provides low-interest and/or forgivable loans and contributions for new and repaired affordable and community housing. It includes priority funding for Indigenous communities, Black-led organizations to increase housing that benefits Black households, and women and children's shelters and transitional housing.
- The Rapid Housing Initiative launched in 2020 to support the rapid construction of new housing or the acquisition of existing buildings for rehabilitation or conversion to permanent affordable housing for vulnerable populations. Additional investment in 2024 will enable a Rapid Housing Stream within the Affordable Housing Fund to build deeply affordable housing, supportive housing, and shelters for our most vulnerable.
- The Federal Community Housing Initiative, since 2018, has provided support to affordable housing providers to help maintain existing affordable housing. Additional flexibility in the program is being developed in 2024 to ensure that eligible housing providers can access funding to maintain housing affordability for low-income tenants and co-op members.
More information on National Housing Strategy programs that support affordable housing and quarterly progress reports can be found on the National Housing Strategy website.
Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada is providing funding and support to urban, Indigenous, rural, and remote communities to prevent and reduce homelessness, including chronic homelessness, through Reaching Home: Canada's Homelessness Strategy, launched in 2019. Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada helps to address homelessness among the most vulnerable in Canadian communities through measures such as the new Veteran Homelessness Program, launched in April 2023, which provides rent supplements and wrap-around support to Veterans experiencing or at risk of homelessness, including chronic homelessness. Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada also provided additional funds in winter 2023-24 to many Reaching Home communities to facilitate emergency support for individuals experiencing or at risk of unsheltered homelessness, including those residing in encampments. Further, the Action Research on Chronic Homelessness initiative was launched in 2023 to identify persistent barriers to addressing chronic homelessness and test potential approaches to overcome these barriers in eight communities across Canada. Findings will be widely disseminated to communities across the country.
Target theme: Affordable Housing and Homelessness
Target: By 2028, reduce chronic homelessness by 50% (Minister of Housing and Diversity and Inclusion)
Implementation strategy | Departmental action | Performance Indicator Starting Point Target |
How the departmental action contributes to the FSDS goal and target and, where applicable, to Canada’s 2030 Agenda national strategy and SDGs | Results achieved |
Prevent and address homelessness |
Continue the implementation of Reaching Home: Canada’s Homelessness Strategy, and the Veteran Homelessness Program. Program:
Performance indicator: Starting point: Targets: |
Federal homelessness programming allocates funding to communities across Canada to deliver various services and supports to people experiencing or at risk of homelessness. This helps individuals obtain and maintain housing and, as a result, contributes to the reduction of the number of people experiencing homelessness, including chronic homelessness. Relevant targets or ambitions: CIF Indicator 11.1.1 – Percent change from a baseline of people experiencing chronic homelessness. GIF Target 11.1 – By 2030, ensure access for all to adequate, safe and affordable housing and basic services and upgrade slums. |
Indicator result: 31,476 (2022). |
Target theme: Public Transit and Active Transportation
Target: By 2030, 22% of commuters use public transit or active transportation (Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs, Infrastructure and Communities)
Implementation strategy | Departmental action | Performance Indicator Starting Point Target |
How the departmental action contributes to the FSDS goal and target and, where applicable, to Canada’s 2030 Agenda national strategy and SDGs | Results achieved |
Invest in public transit and active transportation | Invest in long-term public transit, rural transit and active transportation solutions to provide reliable, fast, affordable, and clean ways for people to get around. |
Performance indicator: Starting point: Target: Performance indicator: Starting point: Target: |
Make contributions to public transit priorities in support of a carbon-neutral economy as well as convenient and sustainable access to jobs and services. Support active transportation systems and improvements to public transportation. Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (Public Transit stream) Relevant targets or ambitions: CIF Indicator 11.5.1 – Percentage of the population using shared or active transportation for commuting. CIF Target 11.5 – By 2030, 22% of commuters adopt shared or active transportation. GIF Target 11.2 – By 2030, provide access to safe, affordable, accessible and sustainable transport systems for all, improving road safety, notably by expanding public transport, with special attention paid to the needs of those in vulnerable situations, women, children, persons with disabilities and older persons. |
Indicator result: Notes: The result achieved for this indicator shows an increase in the total value of public transit funding projects approved since the starting point was set and indicates progress toward the March 31, 2030, target. Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada approved slightly over $3 billion in grants and contributions during the 23-24 fiscal year. Indicator result: |
Implementation strategies supporting the goal
This section is for implementation strategies that support the goal "Improve access to affordable housing, clean air, transportation, parks, and green spaces, as well as cultural heritage in Canada" but not a specific FSDS target.
Implementation strategy | Departmental action | Performance Indicator Starting Point Target |
How the departmental action contributes to the FSDS goal and target and, where applicable, to Canada’s 2030 Agenda national strategy and SDGs | Results achieved |
Encourage communities across Canada to innovate |
Implement the second round of the Smart Cities Challenge, which is focused on climate resilience. Program: |
Performance indicator: Starting point: Target: |
Projects will focus on using technology, data, and innovative solutions to address climate resilience challenges impacting their community. Relevant targets or ambitions: |
Indicator result: |
Initiatives advancing Canada's implementation of SDG 11 – Sustainable Cities and Communities
The following initiatives demonstrate how Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada programming supports the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs, supplementing the information outlined above.
Planned initiatives | Associated domestic targets or ambitions and/or global targets | Results achieved |
In partnership with the Canada Infrastructure Bank’s zero-emission bus initiative, support the purchase of zero-emission buses through the Zero Emission Transit Fund and Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada’s other transit programs that aim to support Canadian transit agencies and school bus operators in reducing their operating emissions and transitioning to zero-emission fleets. These investments align with both the near-term 2030 emission reduction targets and long-term objective of net zero by 2050, as the Government of Canada seeks to decarbonize its transportation sector. |
CIF Ambition 13.1. - Canadians reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. | During the fiscal year 2023-24, Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada announced 8 projects under the Zero Emission Transit Fund (ZETF) to support the government’s commitment to put zero-emission buses on the road. These new projects represented a federal contribution of over $618 million and highlighted the Department's continued support towards public transit and school bus operators’ plan for electrification, the purchase of zero-emission buses and building supporting infrastructure, including charging infrastructure and facility upgrades. To date, 40 projects for a total federal investment of over $1.7 billion have been funded under the ZETF. These investments were aligned with the Canada Infrastructure Bank’s commitment to invest more than $1.5 billion in zero-emission buses. |
Invest in projects through Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada’s Active Transportation Fund and Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program that build new and expanded networks of pathways, bike lanes, trails and pedestrian bridges. In addition, support active transportation planning activities that can lead to more sustainable transportation choices and contribute to modal shift that advances the decarbonization of the transportation sector. |
CIF Target 11.5.1.: Percentage of the population using shared or active transportation for commuting. | In 2023-24, the Active Transportation Fund (ATF) expanded and enhanced active transportation networks in communities by approving eight new projects, representing $5.7 million in federal funding, making travel by active transportation easier, safer, more convenient, and more enjoyable. To date, 498 projects have been funded through the ATF for a total federal investment of over $350 million. |
Through transit programming, support the purchase of rolling stock to improve the capacity of public transit that provides Canadians with sustainable transportation options that meet the needs of their communities. Increasing the capacity of public transportation systems allows Canadian communities to continue to grow while reducing congestion and reliance on personal vehicles that contribute to modal shift that reduces transportation emissions and builds more sustainable and complete communities. |
CIF Ambition 11.5.: Canadians live in healthy, accessible, and sustainable cities and communities. |
Through the Permanent Public Transit Program (PPTP), the Department continued to move forward on the Government's historic investments in transit to ensure sustainable mobility, create jobs, and establish more prosperous and accessible communities. Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada has been focusing on accelerating future major transit projects and supporting the expansion of large urban transit systems. In 2023-24, stakeholders were engaged to support future program design and readiness for the next phase of permanent public transit funding, which will support the various needs of large urban transit systems, including major transit capital expansion commitments. Additionally, during the fiscal year 2023-24, Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada led the review and approval of a major expansion project, as well as a planning project, under the PPTP to support the government’s commitment to increase the capacity of public transportation systems. These new projects demonstrate the Department’s ongoing support for sustainable transportation options that contribute to modal shift transportation emissions and allowing communities to grow without increased congestion. |
Goal 12:
Reduce waste and transition to zero-emission vehicles
FSDS Context
Transportation accounts for a quarter of Canada's greenhouse gas emissions, with most coming from the on-road sector, including light, medium and heavy-duty vehicles. One way to reduce transportation-related greenhouse gas emissions is to replace vehicles powered by fossil fuels (Internal Combustion Engines, or ICEs), with Zero-Emission Vehicles (ZEVs). It is important to ensure that the life-cycle carbon footprint associated with producing, powering and recycling Zero-Emission Vehicles (and their parts, such as lithium-ion batteries) is lower than that of ICE vehicles.
As a department, Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada supports the Government of Canada's transition to low-carbon and climate-resilient operations, while also working to reduce environmental impacts beyond carbon. Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada has invested in modernizing its small fleet by using low-carbon mobility vehicles. The Department encourages its employees to use climate-resilient assets, services, and operations, as well as green goods and services that consider sustainability.
Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada investments are facilitating low-carbon communities where Canadians can opt to take transit for their transportation needs. This includes investments in zero-emission buses, which help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, curb air pollution, and protect our environment.
The Zero Emission Transit Fund (ZETF) supports clean procurement by offering support to public transit and school bus operators electrifying their fleets through the purchase of zero-emission buses and the construction of supporting infrastructure, including charging infrastructure and facility upgrades.
Target theme: Federal Leadership on Responsible Consumption
Target: The Government of Canada's procurement of goods and services will be net-zero emissions by 2050, to aid the transition to a net-zero, circular economy (All Ministers)
Implementation strategy | Departmental action | Performance Indicator Starting Point Target |
How the departmental action contributes to the FSDS goal and target and, where applicable, to Canada’s 2030 Agenda national strategy and SDGs | Results achieved |
Transform the federal light-duty fleet |
Transform Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada’s fleet towards ZEVs and plug-in hybrids. Program: |
Performance indicator: Starting point: Target: |
Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada will be retiring its gas-only vehicles and is planning to have a 100% ZEV fleet by March 31, 2026. Fleet management will be optimized, including by applying life cycle analysis (looking at mileage and years of usage) to determine when vehicles are scheduled to be replaced. Relevant targets or ambitions: CIF Indicator: 12.1.1 – Proportion of new light-duty vehicle registrations that are zero-emission vehicles. |
Indicator result: Notes: Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada is still on track to meet the 2030 target. The Minister's vehicle is anticipated to be renewed before the end of fiscal year 2024-25. Clarification, 50% is hybrid (not ZEV or Plug-in). Starting point will be modified to 0% in the updated 2023 to 2027 DSDS. |
Strengthen green procurement criteria |
Ensure procurement and/or material management employees are provided with green procurement training. Program: |
Performance indicator: Starting point: Target: |
Support for green procurement will be strengthened, including guidance, tools and training. Green procurement incorporates environmental considerations into purchasing decisions and is expected to motivate suppliers to reduce the environmental impact of the goods and services they deliver, and of their supply chains. Relevant targets or ambitions: |
Indicator result: Notes: |
Goal 13:
Take action on climate change and its impacts
FSDS Context
The effects of human-caused climate change are being felt across our country. Canadians are experiencing more extreme temperatures and precipitation, as well as an increase in the frequency and severity of wildfires, heatwaves, droughts, and flooding. Canada is warming at twice the global rate, with this rate being even higher in the Canadian Arctic. Meanwhile, rising sea levels are putting coastal cities at risk. An increasing number of Canadian communities from coast to coast have experienced significant weather-related disasters triggered by climate change.
Infrastructure failures from natural hazards and extreme weather events can pose threats to health and safety, interruptions in essential services, significant disruptions in economic activity, and high costs for recovery and replacement. More resilient infrastructure will help communities better withstand damage caused by climate change and extreme weather events while keeping Canadians safe, protecting local businesses, and supporting strong local economies. Canadians need to be able to trust that their infrastructure can withstand climate impacts for decades to come. Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada is investing in projects that will protect Canadians and communities from current and future climate conditions, such as seawalls, dykes, dams, fire breaks, and climate-resilient buildings.
Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada is supporting the Greening Government strategy through our operations and is working to ensure that Canadians have resilient, climate-smart, accessible, and inclusive public infrastructure through our investments in various programs. These programs are dedicated to investing in projects that increase the resilience of communities and safeguard against future severe weather events, while also helping meet climate goals, such as DMAF and the GICB Program.
DMAF aims to help protect and prepare communities against natural hazards and extreme weather events triggered by climate change including, but not limited to, drought, earthquakes, erosion, extreme temperatures, floods, permafrost thaw, storms, and wildland fires. The overall objective of DMAF is to strengthen the resilience of Canadian communities at risk of infrastructure failure that could result in threats to health and safety and threats to infrastructure. DMAF-approved projects are expected to increase the capacity of natural infrastructure to strengthen community resilience by mitigating the impact of climate-related risks and extreme weather events.
As part of the National Adaptation Strategy, the Government of Canada Adaptation Action Plan allocates additional funding through DMAF. Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada will advance several initiatives including open-access climate toolkits, resilience requirements for funding programs, and guidance, standards, and codes for climate resilient and low-carbon infrastructure, using the same channels. Designed to be an evergreen source for consolidated and authoritative climate-smart tools and resources, the Open-Access Climate Toolkits will help infrastructure owners and investors develop projects that ensure Canada is on the path to a net-zero emission and resilient future.
Through GICB, Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada supports green and accessible retrofits, repairs or upgrades of existing public buildings or construction of new publicly accessible community buildings that serve high needs and underserved communities across Canada. The GICB Program supports the first pillar of the Strengthened Climate Plan by improving the places in which Canadians live and gather by making life more affordable, supporting thousands of good jobs, and cutting pollution by reducing GHG emissions, increasing energy efficiency, building resiliency to climate change and encouraging new builds to net zero standards.
Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada to implement and use the Climate Lens, a horizontal technical requirement, within the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP) and DMAF. This requirement helps to ensure that GHG emissions and climate resilience are considered for key federally funded infrastructure projects. The Climate Lens requires project proponents to assess the GHG emissions of their project and analyze current and future climate conditions in their geographic locations to identify any risks that climate change may pose to the project. For each of the identified risks, they are asked to consider and propose appropriate mitigation measures to help withstand, respond to, recover from or adapt to climate change impact. The Climate Lens is intended to encourage project development that considers climate change and climate impacts to support Canada's mid-century goals of a clean growth low-carbon economy.
Target theme: Federal Leadership on Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions and Climate Resilience
Target: The Government of Canada will transition to net-zero carbon operations for facilities and conventional fleets by 2050 (All Ministers)
Implementation strategy | Departmental action | Performance Indicator Starting Point Target |
How the departmental action contributes to the FSDS goal and target and, where applicable, to Canada’s 2030 Agenda national strategy and SDGs | Results achieved |
Implement the Greening Government Strategy through measures that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve climate resilience, and green the government’s overall operations |
Increased awareness of green considerations in the purchase of goods. Program: |
Performance indicator: Starting point: Target: |
The purchase of goods will be optimized, including initial purchase as well as disposal strategy when considering the green impact. Relevant targets or ambitions: |
Indicator result: |
Implementation strategies supporting the goal
This section is for implementation strategies that support the goal "Take action on climate change and its impacts" but not a specific FSDS target.
Implementation strategy | Departmental action | Performance Indicator Starting Point Target |
How the departmental action contributes to the FSDS goal and target and, where applicable, to Canada’s 2030 Agenda national strategy and SDGs | Results achieved |
Collaborate on emergency management and disaster risk reduction |
Provide funding for communities to increase their ability to adapt to and withstand climate change impacts, disasters triggered by natural hazards and extreme weather events. Program:
Performance indicators: Starting point: Target: |
Provide funding for large-scale infrastructure projects supporting mitigation of natural disasters and extreme weather events and strengthened climate resilience. Relevant targets or ambitions: Indicator 13.3.1 – Proportion of municipal organizations who factored climate change adaptation into their decision-making process. Target 13.1 – Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related hazards and natural disasters in all countries. |
Indicator result: Notes: There are no results achieved to report for 2023-24 due to upcoming changes to the starting point, target and methodology for this target that will take place as part of the updated strategy for 2025-26. Therefore, the Department will be providing the results in future reports. |
Integrating Sustainable Development
Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada will continue to ensure that its decision-making process includes consideration of FSDS goals and targets through its Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) process. An SEA for a policy, plan or program proposal includes an analysis of the impacts of the given proposal on the environment, including on relevant FSDS goals and targets.
Public statements on the results of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada's assessments are made public when an initiative has undergone a detailed SEA. The purpose of the public statement is to demonstrate that significant environmental effects, including the impacts relating to FSDS goals and targets, of the approved policy, plan or program have been considered during proposal development and decision-making.
During the 2023-24 reporting cycle, Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada conducted 9 preliminary SEAs for Budget proposals; no proposals required a detailed strategic environmental assessment, and no public statements were produced.
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