Community Employment Benefits General Guidance
Community Employment Benefits General Guidance
1. Overview
This page provides general guidance and information about the Community Employment Benefits reporting requirement for implicated infrastructure projects.
1.1 What is the Community Employment Benefits initiative?
The Community Employment Benefits initiative is a framework for establishing project targets and reporting on results related to employment and/or procurement opportunities for specific groups.
The groups targeted by the initiative are:
- apprentices
- Indigenous peoples
- women
- persons with disabilities
- veterans
- youth
- recent immigrants
- small-sized enterprises
- medium-sized enterprises
- social enterprises
Project proponents for implicated projects will establish targets and report on results for their selected groups, allowing for flexibility to consider factors such as complementarity with existing local and regional employment initiatives or local labour market dynamics.
Information collected on implicated projects will be made public.
Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada programs implementing the Community Employment Benefits initiative include:
- Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program
- Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund
- Smart Cities Challenge
- Natural Infrastructure Fund
- Green and Inclusive Community Buildings program
1.2 Why implement the initiative?
The Government of Canada has committed to providing sustained economic growth; building stronger, more inclusive communities; and creating meaningful jobs for Canadians. The department of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada’s significant long-term investments provide opportunities across the country to promote expanded employment, training, and procurement opportunities for federal target groups.
At the provincial and municipal levels, many jurisdictions across Canada are experimenting with innovative approaches to leverage infrastructure investments and public procurement for positive social outcomes.
Through the implementation of this initiative, the Government of Canada aims to complement efforts across Canada to increase the supply and retention of diverse workers in infrastructure-related industries like construction, as well as complement broader federal employment initiatives (e.g. the Indigenous Skills and Employment Training Program and the Veterans Education and Training Benefit).
1.3 Threshold for project participation
Thresholds for project participation vary by program. Consult program guidance documents for more information.
Projects below the designated threshold may opt in to reporting on Community Employment Benefits, if project proponents choose.
Projects above the designated threshold are required to report on Community Employment Benefits, unless otherwise determinedFootnote 1.2. When and what to report
Community Employment Benefits requirements differ depending on the program under which a project is funded. Consult program guidance documents for more detailed information.
Data points requestedFootnote 2 are the number or percentage of hours worked by a target population and/or the value of contracts provided to small-sized, medium-sized or social enterprises as applicable to the targets set for that project.
2.1 Reporting required at project submission
For projects participating in the initiative, a specific target for at least three of the federal target groups will be required for the projectFootnote 3.
Where targets are not available at the time of submission, they should follow as soon as possible after the funding decision.
2.2 Reporting required during project implementation
Project proponents whose projects are subject to the requirement may update their targets and/or be required to provide regular interim results through the established reporting mechanism under the project’s funding program.
2.3 Reporting required at project conclusion
As part of final project reporting, project proponents are to report on the final results related to Community Employment Benefits.
3. Definitions
The Community Employment Benefits target groups are flexibly defined. Project proponents may use definitions in use in their jurisdictions as appropriate. Otherwise, Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada recommends using the following definitions:
- Apprentices: individuals in a supervised work training program in a designated trade within their provincial or territorial jurisdiction
- Indigenous peoples: self-identified
- Women: self-identified
- Persons with disabilities: self-identified
- Veterans: any former members of the Canadian Armed Forces who successfully underwent basic training and are honourably discharged
- Youth: people aged 15-24Footnote 4, or determined locally, as appropriate
- Recent immigrants: persons who obtained a landed immigrant or permanent resident status in the previous five years
- Small-sized enterprises: businesses with 1 to 99 employees
- Medium-sized enterprises: businesses with 100 to 499 employees
- Social enterprises: businesses, whether not-for-profit or for-profit, that pursue a social, cultural or environmental mission and re-invest profits to maximize that mission
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