Departmental Performance Report for the period ending March 31, 2012 - Section 1 - Text description - Programs
Information on the announced figures of Infrastructure Canada's funding programs is provided in the following five circles. Starting clockwise, Base Funding, Sunsetting Programs, Short-Term Stimulus Programs and Recent Targeted Programs:
Base Funding
Funding is directed to provincial territorial and municipal governments addressing priorities in every jurisdiction and supporting the restoration of fiscal balance. Through the Provincial-Territorial Infrastructure Base Fund ($2.3 billion announced in Budget 2007), each jurisdiction receives base funding to address their core infrastructure priorities. Through the Gas Tax Fund ($2 billion annually confirmed in Budget 2011), municipalities are provided with predictable funding to address local infrastructure priorities.
Sunsetting Programs
Other programs include the Canada Strategic Infrastructure Fund ($4.3 billion announced in the 2001 and 2003 Budgets) supporting larger projects that sustain economic growth and improve quality of life; the Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund ($1.2 billion announced in Budget 2003 and augmented in 2006), enhancing liveability through small scale municipal projects in urban and rural communities and the Border Infrastructure Fund ($600 million announced in Budget 2001), investing in physical and transportation system infrastructure and improved analytical capacity at border crossings.
Short-term Stimulus Programs
Timely, targeted and temporary funding was focused on improving, renewing and rehabilitating existing infrastructure and on constructing new infrastructure projects to support the Canadian economy during a period of global recession. Through the Infrastructure Stimulus Fund ($4 billion announced in Budget 2009) funding was provided to construction-ready projects. Through the Building Canada Fund-Communities Component Top-Up ($500 million announced in Budget 2009), additional investments were directed to smaller communities.
Recent Targeted Programs
The Building Canada Fund ($8.8 billion announced in Budget 2007) is largely delivered through two components, the Communities Component oriented to projects in smaller communities and the Major Infrastructure Component oriented to larger infrastructure projects of national or regional significance. Infrastructure projects also benefit from the Green Infrastructure Fund ($1 billion announced in Budget 2009); oriented to projects that improve the environment and the economy.
These themes are central to the areas described above: Competitive Economy, Cleaner Environment, Liveable Communities.
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