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Tab B: Infrastructure

Tab B: Infrastructure

  1. Future Investments in Infrastructure
  2. Impact of Infrastructure Investments
  3. Support for Transit
  4. Infrastructure programs in Quebec
  5. Investing in Canada Plan
  6. Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program
  7. Canada Community-Building Fund
  8. Green and Livable Communities
  9. Canada Healthy Communities Initiative
  10. Ottawa Light Rail Transit
  11. Quebec Bridge Restoration
  12. Chignecto Isthmus
  13. Rural and Northern Communities
  14. Housing and Infrastructure Project Map
  15. National Infrastructure Assessment

Future Investments in Infrastructure

Issue / question

What are the government's plans for future investments in infrastructure?

Suggested response

  • We are moving forward with our commitment to provide permanent transit funding to the tune of $3 billion per year linked to concrete and ambitious housing objectives.
  • The Canada Community-Building Fund provides over $2 billion each year to support local priorities across 19 project categories from roads, to drinking water, to sport and recreation facilities.
  • As the Prime Minister has noted, our government intends to tie access to federal infrastructure funding to actions by provinces, territories, and municipalities to increase housing supply.
  • The Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program is providing over $33 billion in funding to provinces, territories, and municipalities to support core infrastructure. This program will continue to support projects until 2033.


  • Budget 2022 and the 2023 Fall Economic Statement signaled the government's intention to tie access to infrastructure funding to actions by provinces, territories, and municipalities to increase housing supply where it makes sense to do so.
    • This includes within the Canada Community-Building Fund, when its current administrative agreements with provinces and territories are renewed, and other future infrastructure programs.
  • Budget 2023 announced that the government is actively reviewing Canada's continued infrastructure needs as it charts a course for future federal infrastructure programming. Furthermore, it committed that the government would provide an update on this work later this year, including the next steps on permanent public transit funding.
  • In May 2023, the Prime Minister delivered remarks to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities Annual General Meeting. He underlined that all levels of government need to work together and build well for the next generation.

Impact of Infrastructure Investments

Issue / question

What are the impacts of Infrastructure Canada's infrastructure investments on the lives of Canadians?

Suggested response

  • As a result of our infrastructure investments, Canadians have seen positive changes in their communities.
  • We have supported the construction and rehabilitation of 2,500 kilometres of drinking water and wastewater pipes and invested in thousands of buses and transit vehicles, and hundreds of kilometers of cycling and walking paths.
  • We are also making significant investments to help Canadians address the challenges associated with climate change. We have invested in improved communities' resilience, such as dams, dikes and vegetation management projects reducing risks from wildfires.
  • Moving forward, we will leverage infrastructure investments to increase housing supply and affordability for Canadians.


  • The mission of Infrastructure Canada (INFC) is to improve the quality of life of Canadians by creating jobs and economic growth, supporting climate resilience, and building a stronger and more inclusive Canada. 
  • Public transit is an important transportation option for Canadians to get where they want to go, whether that's to work or school, a healthcare appointment, or a social engagement. INFC's investments in transit across Canada have expanded service by adding more than 6,900 transit vehicles and more than 17,500 fixed assets, such as transit shelters, stations and stops, passenger parking and drop-off facilities. 
  • A sustainable transportation system is a key component to achieving Canada's climate change target of net-zero emissions by 2050. In support of the Federal Sustainable Development Strategy target of 5,000 zero-emission buses by 2026, INFC has already committed funding for over 3,100 buses. The Canada Infrastructure Bank has also committed financing to over 5,000 buses. 
  • When Canadians choose to walk or bike, they expect convenient access to safe bike lanes, multi-use pathways and sidewalks. Since 2018, INFC's investments have supported the construction of more than 3,400 km of bike paths and pathways.  
  • At the heart of vibrant communities are the buildings and facilities that house culture, recreation, and sport where all Canadians are welcomed. The Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program has invested in over 1,100 community assets across Canada. 70% of projects funded have incorporated universal design, and 96% met the highest published accessibility standard in their jurisdiction, helping to support more accessible community spaces for Canadians. 
  • Since 2016, we have supported more than 2,500 km of linear drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater assets and over 6,000 facilities, such as water treatment plants and storage facilities. Nationally, from 2017 to 2021, 1.9 million more Canadians were able to be served by drinking water plants. These investments deliver reliable clean water to Canadians and their growing communities and protect and preserve Canada's freshwater resources. 
  • Increasingly frequent, severe, and extreme weather events are impacting Canadians, including recent floods, wildfires, hailstorms, and storms. The Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund has allocated over $3.78 billion in funding to support communities in building resilience against extreme weather and climate impacts.

Support for Transit

Issue / question

What is the government doing to support transit across the country?

Suggested response

  • The Government works with partners to support public transit and active transportation networks, create jobs, and make communities cleaner, more accessible, sustainable, and livable for everyone.
  • As new housing is built, it is critical that public transit connects new homes and affordable housing to communities.
  • Since 2015, the Government has announced more than $30 billion for more than 1,400 public transit projects across the country. In 2021, the Prime Minister announced new permanent public transit funding.
  • This funding will link public transit with new homes and affordable housing, and communities that want to access this new funding stream will have to take real action on housing.
  • Further details on this program will be released in the coming months.


  • The Permanent Public Transit Program (PPTP), launched in 2021, is a transfer payment program which was created to support the expansion of public transit systems and active transportation networks across Canada. All funds under the program are managed through Grants and Contributions Agreements signed with eligible recipients.
  • The PPTP includes three direct-application funds:
    • The Zero Emission Transit Fund (ZETF): Announced as $2.75 billion over five years, ZETF is advancing the Government of Canada's commitment to help procure zero emission public transit and school buses across Canada. ZETF investments are closely coordinated with the Canada Infrastructure Bank's commitment to invest in zero emission buses as part of its Growth Plan. The program is currently open for applications on an ongoing basis.
    • The Active Transportation Fund (ATF): The five year, $400 million ATF aims to expand and enhance active transportation networks in communities of all types and sizes, while also supporting Canada's National Active Transportation Strategy. It does so by supporting planning for and deployment of a wide range of walking, cycling, and other active mobility infrastructure. The intake is closed and most of the funding is fully allocated; submissions from Indigenous applicants continue to be accepted.
    • The Rural Transit Solutions Fund (RTSF): The five year, $250 million RTSF addresses unique mobility challenges in rural communities by supporting planning and deployment of locally tailored mobility solutions in rural communities, including support to assess the viability of new approaches to mobility. A rolling intake of the Capital stream was launched on January 20, 2023, and remains open.
  • Funding is also available to support major projects and accelerate the expansion of large urban transit systems that many Canadians depend on every day.
  • Public engagement on the Permanent Public Transit Fund has helped to refine our vision for the ongoing funding moving forward and develop a more detailed approach to be released in early 2024.

Infrastructure programs in Quebec

Issue / question

How is the Government of Canada supporting infrastructure in Quebec?

Suggested response

  • The Government of Canada and the Government of Quebec are continuing to work together to ensure that infrastructure programs benefit communities in Quebec. This includes building livable communities and connecting communities with access to public transit.
  • We continue to work with Quebec to advance the Gatineau‑Ottawa Tramway project and advance Canada's contribution to Montréal's Blue line. We will collaborate with the Government of Quebec regarding a revised eligible project in Québec City once it is further defined.
  • The Government of Canada has successfully worked with the Government of Quebec to ensure communities benefit from Infrastructure Canada's suite of direct delivery programs and remains committed to continuing to do so.


  • In the Province of Quebec, the Act respecting the Ministère du Conseil exécutif (M-30) requires municipalities and public organizations, among others, wishing to receive funding from the Government of Canada to obtain prior consent from the Secrétariat Québécois aux relations canadiennes (SQRC). As a result, Infrastructure Canada (INFC) must conclude an agreement with the SQRC to fully implement its programs in the province.
  • In August 2022, an agreement was reached with Ms. Sonia LeBel, the previous Quebec Minister responsible for Canadian relations, through an exchange of letters, which allows the implementation of projects for the Active Transportation Fund and the Rural Transit Solutions Fund.
  • In the past, INFC came to an agreement with Quebec for the Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund. Under this agreement, Quebec is informed of projects and approves the template agreement for projects.
  • Under the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP), INFC is currently reviewing important requests to help advance major projects:
    • On March 27, 2023, the Government of Quebec submitted a revised request for federal funding in support of the project planning activities for the Gatineau ‑Ottawa Tramway, which would be a rapid transit link from the west-end of Gatineau to downtown Ottawa and would cross on the Portage Bridge. The request is currently under review by INFC, and discussions are underway with Quebec's ministère des Transports et de la Mobilité durable (MTMD) to clarify some information.
    • In December 2022, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the Quebec Premier, François Legault, agreed that, in the context of high inflation over the past several months, an increased risk of cost escalations and significant changes to the scope of several infrastructure projects that will improve the lives of Quebecers, both governments will increase their funding for specific projects under ICIP:
      • The Québec City Tramway project received a federal contribution of $1.107 billion in 2019 under ICIP. Since then, the project has undergone several major changes and cost increases. On November 8, 2023, the Government of Quebec announced that they were putting the project on hold and mandating the Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec (CDPQ) to present, within six months, recommendations for the best major public transit project at the best price.
      • The extension of the Montréal Metro Blue Line project is aiming to add five stations between Saint-Michel and Anjou stations, for a total length of 5.8 km. A federal contribution of $1.306 billion under ICIP was allocated to the project in 2019. The total project costs were $4.46 billion at the time and are now estimated at $6.4 billion following some cost increases and the addition of optimization measures.
    • The department is working closely with MTMD to advance the Montréal Metro Blue Line project and the related request for additional funding presented in March 2023. INFC will also collaborate with the Government of Quebec to obtain the revised details of the eligible public transit project in Québec City.

Investing in Canada Plan

Issue / question

What are the key results to date for the Investing in Canada Plan?

Suggested response

  • Under the Investing in Canada Plan, announced in 2016 and 2017, the Government is providing over $180 billion in support for infrastructure over 12 years.
  • Through it, the Government of Canada has invested in Canada's infrastructure through more than 90 programs being delivered by over 20 departments and agencies.
  • The Investing in Canada Plan is generating economic growth, creating good jobs, and building strong, green, inclusive communities for Canadians to live and work in.
  • We have approved thousands of projects, improving Canadians' access to affordable housing, clean water, trade infrastructure, community centres, and transit systems.
  • As of September 2023, over $142.2 billion of the $188 billion – more than 76% of the total funding – has been allocated to over 92,000 projects and $90.3 billion has been paid out.


  • The Investing in Canada Plan (the Plan) is the federal government's long-term infrastructure plan that was announced in Budgets 2016 and 2017. The Plan is a point-in-time snapshot of government-wide investments in infrastructure and does not include newer infrastructure investments announced since Budget 2018.
  • The Plan provides a strategic framework to guide the delivery of over $180 billion in federal investments in infrastructure over 12 years and is focused on achieving three key objectives: generating long-term economic growth to build a stronger middle class; improving the resiliency of communities and Canada's transition to a clean growth economy; and enhancing social inclusion and socio-economic outcomes for all Canadians.
  • The Plan comprises $95.6 billion in new funding for infrastructure programs, committed in Budgets 2016 and 2017. Additionally, the Plan delivers $92.2 billion through pre-budget 2016 programs, through funding mechanisms such as the Canada Community-Building Fund (formerly known as the federal Gas Tax Fund) and the New Building Canada Fund.
  • As of September 2023, the status of the Plan is as follows:
    • Over $142.2 billion of the $188 billion has been allocated to more than 92,000 projects and $90.3 billion has been paid out.
    • Over 76% of the Plan is committed to approved projects.
    • Half of the Plan's programs are closed or no longer accepting new projects as project intakes are closed.
  • Infrastructure Canada (INFC) is responsible for the overall coordination and annual reporting on results for the more than 90 programs under the Plan. The department delivers Investing in Canada programming along with 20 federal departments and agencies including Indigenous Services Canada, Natural Resources Canada, the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, Employment and Social Development Canada and Transport Canada.
  • While each department reports on the specific implementation of their programs under the Plan, INFC is committed to reporting transparently and openly on its progress and results.
    • The Implementation Progress and Funding Update table is updated quarterly and provides an accounting of the full $188 billion.
    • Progress on the Plan is reported annually through INFC's Departmental Plan and the Departmental Results Report.
    • A progress report on the Plan was published in 2019.
    • INFC also reports on the status of its own programming through the Government of Canada's Open Government Portal and through its Departmental Results Report.

Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program

Issue / question

Infrastructure Canada has successfully allocated all provincial funding to make unprecedented investments in public transit, green infrastructure, recreational, cultural, and community infrastructure, as well as rural and northern communities.

Suggested response

  • The Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program supports public transit, green infrastructure, community, cultural and recreational infrastructure, and rural and northern infrastructure projects.
  • As of March 31, 2023, Infrastructure Canada has successfully allocated provincial funding for this program. These investments are critical to protect and build complete communities as we work to address the housing crisis across the country.
  • Additionally, major light rail transit, water treatment facilities, Indigenous wellness centres and ventilation improvements to community buildings are underway across Canada.


  • The Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP) is an allocation-based program. Provinces and territories, in consultation with municipalities and Indigenous communities, are responsible for identifying, prioritising, and submitting projects, and flowing funds to eligible ultimate recipients.
  • Managed through Integrated Bilateral Agreements, the ICIP was originally divided into four funding streams: Public Transit ($20.1 billion); Green Infrastructure ($9.2 billion); Community, Culture and Recreation Infrastructure ($1.3 billion); and Rural and Northern Infrastructure ($2 billion + $400 million for the Arctic Energy Fund).
  • With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, a new COVID-19 Resilience stream was created to help communities respond to the immediate pressures and concerns resulting from the pandemic, as well as build resiliency for the future.
  • A commitment to provide $150 million to improve ventilation in public buildings and help reduce the risk of aerosol transmission of COVID-19 has been put in place. The ICIP's COVID-19 Resilience stream was allocated $120 million from this commitment, with an additional $70 million to further support ventilation projects in public and community buildings.
  • The program's construction deadline for the program is now October 2033 to support recipients in adapting to the challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic and to allow for the approval of priority projects under the program.
  • Examples of eligible projects include:
    • Public Transit: New Light Rail Transit systems; electric bus purchases; and removing barriers such as providing wheelchair ramps at transit stations.
    • Green: Renewable energy storage; strategic interties; preservation of natural wetland systems; rehabilitation of climate resilient infrastructure; water main and sewer replacement; and recycling facilities.
    • Community, Culture and Recreation: Community centres; art galleries; community recreation and trail facilities; and community service hubs.
    • Rural and Northern: Greenhouses; community freezers; short sea shipping wharves; and broadband projects.
    • COVID-19 Resilience stream: Upgrades to municipal and community buildings, hospitals, or schools; temporary COVID-19 testing facilities; active transportation pathways; and ventilation improvement in public buildings.

Canada Community-Building Fund

Issue / question

How does the Canada Community-Building Fund support infrastructure projects across Canada?

Suggested response

  • The Canada Community-Building Fund provides $2.4 billion per year that helps communities build and revitalize their public infrastructure. From 2015 to 2024, the program will have transferred over $24 billion to communities under this program.
  • Discussions toward renewal are under way and will result in a stronger program where access to funding is tied to actions taken to increase housing supply and ensure Canadians attain housing that is well serviced by the infrastructure that can connect them to jobs, services, and their communities at large.
  • Going forward we expect communities to use this funding for infrastructure investments that connect their communities and to consider how their population is growing and changing, and whether people can afford to live there, when they dedicate federal resources to infrastructure projects.


  • The Canada Community-Building Fund (CCBF) was established in 2005 and originally designed to provide municipalities with $5 billion in predictable funding over five years. The program was extended and legislated as a permanent source of federal infrastructure funding for municipalities in 2014.
  • The renewed Fund is indexed at 2% per year, to be applied in $100 million increments. From 2015 to 2024, the program will provide municipalities with over $24 billion in infrastructure funding.
  • Two additional top-up payments were allocated in 2019 and 2021, doubling the funds provided to $4.4 billion in those two years.
  • In 2023, program funding is $2.4 billion, transferred to provinces and territories in two equal payments during the year.
  • Eligible categories of investment are broad and include public transit, local roads, and bridges, drinking water and wastewater infrastructure, community energy systems, culture, recreation, disaster mitigation, fire halls and capacity building.
  • Housing is a national challenge and a federal priority. It is being addressed through a suite of federal programs including requiring actions by provinces, territories, and municipalities to increase housing supply before accessing infrastructure funding, where it makes sense to do so. Provisions to this effect will be included in the renewed CCBF agreements.
  • The renewed CCBF will remain a flexible transfer-based program that will allow municipalities to build core infrastructure, with the addition of reporting and communication protocols that will ensure the federal government remains accountable to our citizens.
  • The current 10-year administrative agreements with signatories are set to expire on March 31, 2024. The department is looking to renew the program for another 10 years, starting April 1, 2024.

Green and Livable Communities

Issue / question

What is the federal government doing to promote green and livable communities in Canada?

Suggested response

  • We are taking action to build infrastructure and affordable housing that creates green and livable communities, including accelerating low-carbon solutions. We are investing to build healthy and sustainable communities that benefit Canadians.
  • The Green and Inclusive Community Buildings Program helps communities make green retrofits and the Natural Infrastructure Fund supports projects such as urban forests and green roofs.
  • The Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program supports communities to reduce pollution, provide clean water, and increase resilience to climate change.
  • Affordable housing is a national priority. We are committed to providing Canadians with access to affordable housing that is well-served by green infrastructure so that communities have places to gather and learn.


  • The Green and Inclusive Community Buildings Program (GICB) is investing $1.5 billion in funding directly to communities over five years (2021-26). It supports communities in making green and accessible retrofits, repairs or upgrades to existing public community buildings, and constructing new publicly accessible community buildings that serve high-needs, underserved communities, while advancing Canada's climate goals.
  • The program is community-based, providing direct-to-recipient funding. Eligible recipients include provincial and territorial governments, municipal governments, Indigenous communities and organizations, and not-for-profit organizations. GICB is a national funding envelope with no provincial or territorial allocations.
  • As of October 2023, over 100 projects with federal funding of more than $620 million have been approved and announced. The program has been successful in supporting Indigenous communities and organizations - more than $250 million has been announced for projects submitted by Indigenous communities and organizations.
  • The Natural Infrastructure Fund (NIF) provides funding for natural and hybrid infrastructure projects such as urban forests, green roofs, rain gardens, and living dykes that are primarily for public benefit in communities across Canada, including both built and natural assets.
  • Projects funded through the NIF will create, expand, or enhance communities' access to nature, furthering resilience to climate change, improving environmental quality, and protecting biodiversity.
  • Under the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program's Bilateral Agreements, the Government of Canada is providing funding for public transit, green infrastructure, community, culture and recreational infrastructure, and rural and northern infrastructure projects. Examples of eligible projects to support carbon neutrality and resilience include new Light Rail Transit systems; electric bus purchases; renewable energy storage; strategic interties; preservation of natural wetland systems; rehabilitation of climate resilient infrastructure; and recycling facilities.

Canada Healthy Communities Initiative

Issue / question

What is the Canada Healthy Communities Initiative and how is it providing support to communities?

Suggested response

  • The Canada Healthy Communities Initiative (CHCI) is helping communities adapt and create safe ways for residents to access services and enjoy the outdoors in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • The CHCI is providing over $60 million towards more than 1,000 projects to build safer spaces and ensure a higher quality of life for people across the country.
  • Projects range from $5,000 to $250,000 to support three main priorities: creating safe and vibrant public spaces; improving mobility options; and digital solutions.


  • Launched on August 13, 2020, the Canada Healthy Communities Initiative (CHCI) originally provided up to $31 million in existing federal funding to support communities as they deploy new ways to adapt spaces and services to respond to immediate and ongoing needs arising from COVID-19 over the two following years.
  • Community Foundations of Canada (CFC) was selected by Infrastructure Canada through an open and competitive call for applications to work directly with communities to identify and fund local projects and solutions to the challenges presented by COVID-19.
  • The original $31 million in funding over two years was provided to CFC to identify and fund local community projects that can be put into place quickly to improve the lives of Canadians. As announced in the 2021 Economic and Fiscal Update, an additional $30 million over three years was committed to the CHCI starting in 2022‑23. On September 23, 2022, Infrastructure Canada and CFC announced that more than 400 new projects will be supported with the additional funding. Funded projects from the first and second application intake can be viewed on an interactive map. There are no open application intakes. Program completion is December 2024.
  • To date, the CHCI has provided over $60 million towards more than 1,000 projects to build safer spaces and ensure a higher quality of life for people across the country. Eligible projects range from $5,000 and $250,000. The CHCI is supporting projects in communities under three main themes:
    • Creating safe and vibrant public spaces – projects that create or adapt existing public places such as parks, main streets, and indoor spaces that encourage safe cultural or physical activities, and local commerce.
    • Improving mobility options – projects that permit physical distancing through permanent or temporary changes that make it easier for people to get around in their communities, whether walking, biking, accessing public and private transit, or other modes of transportation.
    • Digital solutions – innovative digital projects that address changing community needs using data and connected technologies.

Ottawa Light Rail Transit

Issue / question

To address concerns relating to the Ottawa Light Rail Transit.

Suggested response

  • The Government of Canada is one of the funders for the Ottawa Light Rail Transit (OLRT).
  • As with any infrastructure project, the proponent – in this case, the City of Ottawa – is responsible for procurement, design, construction, implementation, and ongoing maintenance of the project.
  • The Government has reviewed the findings of the OLRT Public Inquiry and the investigations into the causes of recent service disruptions, which are concerning. We will continue to monitor the OLRT and the steps taken to address the issues that have been identified.
  • We will also continue to work closely with the Province and City on Stage 2.

Stage 3 funding

  • It will be important to ensure current operational issues are in hand prior to any funding consideration for Stage 3.


Stage 1

  • In 2010, the Government of Canada announced an investment of $600 million under the Building Canada Fund – Major Infrastructure Component (BCF-MIC) for Stage 1 of the Ottawa Light Rail Transit (OLRT) Project. The remaining funding was to be split evenly between the Province of Ontario and the City of Ottawa (the City). Canada and the City entered into a contribution agreement for the project on December 19, 2012, and the Stage 1 line began service in September 2019.
  • Transport Canada (TC) administered the contribution agreement for Stage 1 on behalf of Infrastructure Canada (INFC).

Stage 2

  • In June 2017, the Prime Minister announced an investment of approximately $1.1 billion under the New Building Canada Fund – Provincial and Territorial Infrastructure Component – National and Regional Projects for Stage 2 of the OLRT Project.
  • Stage 2 construction is underway and will add approximately 40 km of rail and 23 new or converted stations, bringing 70% of the city's population within 5 km of rail. The existing LRT network is being extended both East-West (Confederation Line extension) and North-South (Trillium Line extension).
  • Stage 2 saw the selection of new prime contractors and engineering firms from those chosen for Stage 1.

Operability and Service Issues

  • Several operability and service issues have occurred since revenue service began on September 14, 2019. Three Transportation Safety Board of Canada (TSB) investigations were launched to examine issues related to two derailments as well as cracked LRT vehicle wheels. The investigations are complete and the City is acting on the TSB recommendations.
  • Third party rail experts have also been involved in validating the maintenance contractor's procedures to provide recommendations to mitigate ongoing service issues.
  • The Province of Ontario launched a public inquiry into Stage 1 of the LRT system and its governance, and the final report was released on November 30, 2022.
  • INFC conducted a fulsome analysis of the final report to assess implications for ongoing oversight of Stage 2 as well as the Action Plan adopted by the City on May 10, 2023, in response to the report.
  • [redacted]
  • [redacted]
  • More recently, OLRT service was suspended for three weeks in summer 2023 as a routine inspection of a bearing, which is part of the axle system, determined that ‘wear and tear' was beyond the threshold required for safe operations. The worn bearing triggered an examination of all bearings on all cars, as well as additional changes to operation and maintenance procedures that had previously been adjusted following an August 2021 derailment caused by axle failure.
  • The vehicle supplier has since committed to re-designing the Confederation Line vehicles to make them better able to withstand forces applied during operation. The Stage 1 builder is also working with the supplier to identify and implement adjustments to the track infrastructure to reduce the forces contributing to early axle wear. Infrastructure adjustments are focused specifically in areas of track with tight radius turns.

Fiscal Challenges

  • The City provided a technical briefing to Council and the media on September 19, 2023, which noted that the transit system must address a persistent deficit caused by higher-than-expected operating costs and lower revenues from reduced ridership.
  • As part of the briefing, the City indicated that Stage 3 could only proceed if fully funded by the Government of Canada and Province of Ontario. Mayor Sutcliffe advised, however, that advancement of Stage 3 would only be considered after Stage 1 operational issues are fully resolved. This position aligns with Premier Ford, who announced on July 20, 2023, that provincial funding for Stage 3 would not be committed until operational issues are fixed.
  • In November 2023, the City received Council approval for an additional $152 million in contingency funding for Stage 2 construction.

Quebec Bridge Restoration

Issue / question

Update on the Quebec Bridge restoration

Suggested response

  • We understand the importance of heritage and restoring the Québec Bridge. Our priority is to ensure the long-term viability of the Bridge as the key link between the south and north shores of Québec.
  • The federal government is working with Canadian National Railway (CN) and the Government of Quebec on the restoration of the Bridge to establish a fair and equitable partnership.


  • Built in 1917, the Quebec Bridge is a strategic and historical asset that connects the City of Québec and Lévis. This infrastructure enables the movement of people and goods between the shores of the Saint Lawrence River (33,000 cars, 10 VIA Rail passenger trains and three freight trains every day).
  • Since the property of the Bridge was transferred from Canada to the Canadian National Railway (CN) in 1995, the appearance of the bridge has deteriorated, and the federal government has faced local pressure to take on its rehabilitation. Canada has publicly confirmed its intention to complete the negotiations to repatriate and rehabilitate the bridge.
  • In 2019, Canada appointed Mr. Yvon Charest as special negotiator. In 2020, he submitted his Recommendation and Cost Estimates Report that presented options for the rehabilitation of the Bridge. In 2021, Mr. Charest was mandated to reach agreements and to secure financial contributions from both the CN and Quebec.
  • On October 20, 2023, the Minister of Transport announced publicly that Canada has nearly reached an agreement with CN for the retrocession of the Quebec Bridge, and that significant works will be initiated very shortly.
  • Since then, negotiations have been ongoing with CN through our special negotiator to conclude an agreement in principle in a timely manner.

Chignecto Isthmus

Issue / question

What is the Federal Government doing to protect the Chignecto Isthmus?

Suggested response

  • The federal government is committed to working with the governments of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia to explore options ensuring the resiliency of the Chignecto Isthmus, by bolstering its ability to withstand threats of rising sea levels and more frequent severe weather events.
  • The Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund supports initiatives to protect Canadians and natural resources such as the Chignecto Isthmus from the impacts of climate change.
  • We are committed to increasing the resiliency of communities and understand the importance of the Chignecto Isthmus to both New Brunswick and Nova Scotia as the only road and rail connection between the two provinces.


  • The Chignecto Isthmus serves as a transportation link, providing the only road and rail connection between New Brunswick (NB) and Nova Scotia (NS).
  • On July 19, 2023, NS and NB submitted a joint Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund (DMAF) application for the project. The proposed project is for sections of existing dykes to be raised and new dykes built. The estimated eligible project cost is $650 million. Under the current DMAF program parameters, the federal contribution for a provincial recipient is limited to a maximum contribution of 50% of eligible project costs, which would be $325 million.
  • On July 19, 2023, NS filed a reference question with the NS Court of Appeal seeking the Court's opinion on whether “the infrastructure which protects the interprovincial transportation, trade, and communication links across the Chignecto Isthmus [is] within the exclusive Legislative Authority of the Parliament of Canada”.
  • On September 15, 2023, the Attorney General of Canada filed its motion in the Nova Scotia Court of Appeal to intervene in the Chignecto reference question. New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island (PEI) also filed motions. On September 21, 2023, Canada, NB, and PEI were granted intervener status by the NS Court of Appeal.
  • The NS Court of Appeal held a case management meeting on November 8, 2023. Court proceedings are in the gathering stages, and parties have been asked to submit relevant case records by February 2024.

Rural and Northern Communities

Issue / question

How is the federal government supporting rural and northern communities across the country?

Suggested response

  • We know that Rural and Northern Communities face unique circumstances.
  • Dedicated programs like the Rural Transit Solutions Fund can adapt concepts like public transit to a rural environment.
  • The Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program has a dedicated stream to support rural communities through projects that improve broadband connectivity, construct roads, and improve food and energy security.
  • The Canada Community-Building Fund also provides funding used in rural areas to build roads, bridges, and wastewater treatment systems. These are housing-enabling investments to build complete communities.
  • Finally, Infrastructure Canada adapts programs to meet the needs of smaller and Indigenous communities, offering more flexible deadlines and increased federal contributions.


  • The Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP) is an allocation-based program. Provinces and territories, in consultation with municipalities and Indigenous communities, are responsible for identifying, prioritizing, and submitting projects, and flowing funds to eligible ultimate recipients.
  • Managed through Integrated Bilateral Agreements, the ICIP was originally divided into four funding streams: Public Transit ($20.1 billion); Green Infrastructure ($9.2 billion); Community, Culture and Recreation Infrastructure ($1.3 billion); and Rural and Northern Infrastructure ($2 billion + $400 million for the Arctic Energy Fund).
  • Under ICIP, provinces had until March 31, 2023, to commit all funding and the Territories have until March 31, 2025.
  • Under the Canada Community-Building Fund funds are allocated on a per-capita basis using Census data, except for Prince Edward Island and the Territories, who receive a base amount in place of per-capita values due to smaller population sizes. Allocations intended for First Nations on Reserves in the provinces are managed by Indigenous Services Canada through the First Nations Infrastructure Fund.
  • The Rural Transit Solutions Fund is dedicated solely to rural communities and includes a planning component providing grants of up to $50,000 for smaller communities to think about and design how transit can work within their communities.
  • Direct delivery programs include: the Public Transit Program, the Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund, the Natural Infrastructure Fund, the Rural Transit Solutions Fund, and the Green and Inclusive Community Buildings program.
  • Direct delivery infrastructure programs have targeted funding and program flexibilities for Indigenous, rural, and northern communities. For example, all direct delivery programs have a minimum of 10% of the total funding envelope allocated for Indigenous recipients and these recipients can access 100% federal share. In addition, under the Active Transportation Fund and the Rural Transit Solutions Fund, Indigenous proponents can access various program flexibilities such as extended deadlines and continuous intakes.

Housing and Infrastructure Project Map

Issue / question

How is Infrastructure Canada keeping Canadians informed of its investments?

Suggested response

  • Infrastructure Canada is committed to sharing information with Canadians about our infrastructure investments.
  • Regularly, we publish a list of approved projects on the Open Government data portal.
  • We also produce a project map of approved projects that lets Canadians see the investments being made in their communities and across the country.
  • We are continually working to improve how we communicate the results of our investments to Canadians.


  • The Housing and Infrastructure Project Map is part of Infrastructure Canada's (INFC) ongoing web renewal to better communicate the results of infrastructure investments to Canadians.
  • The Housing and Infrastructure Project Map was launched on September 26, 2023, and replaced the Investing in Canada Plan (IICP) geospatial map on the department's website.
  • While the IICPgeospatial project mapwasa point-in-time snapshot of government-wide investments in infrastructure, the Housing and Infrastructure Project Map includes infrastructure investments announced since 2016, including Budgets 2018, 2019 and 2021. The map will be an evergreen representation of housing and infrastructure investments.
  • The Housing and Infrastructure Project Map currently consists of projects funded by INFC (including the Jacques Cartier and Champlain Bridges Incorporated and the Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority) and the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC). It presents the breadth of investments by showcasing bricks-and-mortar projects financed by the federal government that are accessible to the public or offer essential services to Canadians.
  • The map is currently updated monthly for INFC, quarterly for CMHC and annually for Major Bridges programs. Infrastructure Canada is proposing the development of an automated system to support updates on a shorter timeline.
  • INFC is also proposing broader federal program coverage on the Housing and Infrastructure Map. Six departments and agencies have already expressed interest in participating: Canadian Heritage, Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission, Indigenous Services Canada, Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada, Parks Canada, and Transport Canada. The department is also engaging additional departments/agencies for potential future inclusion.
  • More broadly, the department is developing an online “Infrastructure Hub” that will showcase federal investments and how they are contributing to the quality of life of Canadians.

National Infrastructure Assessment

Issue / question

The Minister of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities has been mandated to launch Canada's first National Infrastructure Assessment to help identify needs and priorities in the built environment and support long-term planning toward a net-zero emissions future.

Suggested response

  • The National Infrastructure Assessment will provide an evidence-based and expert-driven assessment of Canada's infrastructure needs and priorities and undertake evidence-based long-term planning.
  • In the coming months, the Government will establish an advisory body to develop Canada's first National Infrastructure Assessment. This follows stakeholder input that indicated they see value in such an evidence-based and transparent process.


  • First announced as part of Canada's Strengthened Climate Plan and funded in Budget 2021, Canada's first ever National Infrastructure Assessment is expected to be completed in 2025 following the development of substantive evidence and extensive engagement with experts and stakeholders, led by a Ministerial advisory body.
  • Initial public engagement was completed in summer 2021 on the idea of undertaking the National Infrastructure Assessment and options for its design and mandate.
  • Written submissions were received from over 300 organizations and individuals from across the country, demonstrating significant support for the initiative and a strong interest in establishing the initiative as an evidence-based, open, and transparent process with a broad remit to assess Canada's future infrastructure needs and priorities.
  • With the benefit of having received these views, suggestions, and recommendations, the Government is currently finalizing next steps for the National Infrastructure Assessment, including establishing the advisory body to lead the work, its mandate and scope of the work involved.
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